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  1. I'm really new to this, but I've been taking lots of notes in my bullet journal for 2 jarariums I set up in September 2022. This journal will be documenting my journey with my 1 gallon jar, which I affectionately dubbed "Tiny Mighty" when it seemed to be really taking off initially. The initial setup included 7 Lucky Bamboo Stalks, some Dwarf Hair Grass, Christmas Moss, and Pearlweed. They got off to a good start and things seemed well, but the only plants that seemed to be doing well at all were the Lucky Bamboo, the other plants died. I realized the 7 stalks of LB, were probably taking up all the nutrients and leaving nothing for the other plants. I had also tried to keep a few shrimp, but my parameters were all over the place & they didn't survive. I decided earlier in December I was going to need to rebuild this jar, but I was headed on vacation, so I held off until my return. On the 29th, I headed to Aquarium Coop and picked up new plants including: Moneywort, Crypttocoryne Wendtii (I think) and another plant recommended by the staff for ground cover - but which I've forgotten the name of. Yesterday, the 30th, I got to work and re-built the tank. I used substrate recommended by & purchased at Aquarium Coop & capped it with white sand, then returned 3 of the Lucky Bamboo stalks to the tank, plus all of the other plants I purchased, breaking most up into individual stems & spreading them out, Moneywort at the back. Then replaced the snails - a Blue Ramshorn & pond snails & added frogbit to the top (with a little Duckweed that hitched a ride - as it does) & a little bit of the water from the former setup - hoping that will help with the beneficial bacteria. This morning, I tested the re-built tank for the first time, here's the results: High PH: 8.4 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 I also realized this morning that a large and unusually colored "pond" snail may, in fact, be a baby Blue Ramshorn after reading just yesterday they can reproduce individually. I blanched some seaweed & eggshell this morning to feed the snails. Attaching a before & 3 after photos from this morning.
  2. Hi everyone! I'm new here. I have some snails I'd like to grow out fast and breed. I considered putting this topic in the fish breeding forum but wasn't sure if that was the proper place. I have kept some ramshorn snails for a few months in various containers and fed them various vegetables like carrots and lettuce over time. They don't grow that fast and I am probably going to pick up a dedicated 2.5 gallon tank for them today and give them a better environment. I was looking here since (since I have ordered before and like the product and service) for decent food for them. I saw some comments about some other food being used for snails without a problem but I thought I'd ask here what everyone's opinion is for food that will make the snails healthy and grow fast. I know these are considered pest snails but I do like the look of them and they are fun to watch, but also I have a turtle that likes to eat them. I placed a few in the turtle's tank a while back and they do a really good job of hiding until night time to avoid being eaten (they are smarter than I thought). But the turtle has slowly picked off the bigger ones throughout the day digging through the rocks. I would like to keep resupplying the tank with bigger ones more often. I know this is a longer post but really just looking for advice to have the best chances. Thanks everyone!
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