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  1. @Daniel, Wanted to share a story with you & everyone as a C.F.I. item. Found one of my larger mystery snails strangled in the aquarium. Culprit identified: One of my Anubias plants was tied down with some clear, fishing line. Evidently, the snail caught itself into a loosened loop of the line. It appears that it twisted itself and actually partially severed it's body. Not a good sight.... First time I've seen anything like this with using fishing line; maybe others have? 🧐
  2. Hi all, I am currently treating gold dust/velvet in my planted 20g; stocked with corys, oto's, 2 loaches, a bristlenose, couple of snails & shrimp. They all have mild gold dust, specifically in the gill area. Have been treating with Ich Attack by Kordon, Melafix, as well as Petco's Parasite Remedy (I know, no LFS). I will order in medication, just haven't been able to figure out the best one to go with. In addition I have started a black out and raised temp to 79. My question is, are there more effective treatments which will be safe for my plants, fish, snails & shrimp? I have heard aquarium salt works well, and copper based products, which I unfortunately cannot use.Thank you so much for the help!
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