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  1. Is anyone aware of measuring spoons corresponding to various tank sizes to dose safe? Is any mathmatizer willing to tell me a weight measurement that can be weighed on the standard $10 digital weed scale for 10,20,30, and 55 gallon tanks? Pic of my favorite little buddy as thanks.
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm confused about Seachem Safe. The problem is: The dosage seems incredibly small. I've searched this forum and found that you may or may not be able to store Safe in a solution of water and use it like Prime. Some say yes, some say no. I'm worried about massively overdosing since 1/4 tsp treats 300 Gallons. I'd like dosage information on the order of "Sure you could use X amount and it wouldn't harm your fish - in my experience" . So I guess I'm asking for personal experience using Safe. Dosage for a 90 Gallon would be really helpful - or maybe I should just get a gram scale and be done with it. Thanks so much - hope this isn't too rambly!
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