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  1. This tank has been setup since early March. It finished cycling ~14 days ago. Current livestock includes bladder snails + 7 lamb chop rasboras Its a 9 gallon fluval flex. I'm using the light it came with and at first had it at 80%, but turned it down to 50% a few days ago. On the fluval website they classify it as a low to medium level light. It's on for 8 hours a day. No supplemental co2. Ph is 8, dgh is 13, dkh is 9. Temp sits 77f Since initially planting, all my plants have been growing pretty well. The juncus repens which I’m currently having the most issues with has more than tripled in size and is still actively growing, but it just doesn't look that healthy compared to the other plants in the tank. I’ve noticed a tiny bit of yellowing starting on my lobelia cardinalis too. I'm fertilizing with easy green at 1ml every 5-6 days with a weekly 30%-50% water change. Substrate is just sand. I have not been using root tabs as I made sure all my plants were able to feed through the water column before I bought them. Although it does seem odd to me that the only plants having issues are the ones in the substrate 🤔. I have a feeling the culprit of my issues is/was high light with insufficient co2. Or maybe my ph is too high creating issues with micronutrient uptake? A combination of both perhaps? Maybe they need nutes in the substrate? I saw on aquarium co-op website they recommend to aim for 20-50 nitrates from easy green in the tank. However my tap water has 40pm nitrates to start which makes following this dosing technique difficult to say the least.
  2. Hello, so I'm attempting my first planted tank and I'd like to do a combination of dirt with a coarse silica sand or maybe a bonsai lava grit cap over it. The tank I'm using is a 36-gal Topfin bowfront 30.7 in L x 15.7 in W x 22.2 in H (77.9 x 39.8 x 56.3 cm). My question is how much of each substrate should I use? I know the 1 Lb to 1 gal rule, as well as adding an extra inch for planted tanks but because I'm mixing 2 substrates, I was hoping to get a more precise ratio. Any advice from someone who has done something similar or just has more knowledge in general about this would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hello! I’ve done lots of research but really want to be successful so I thought I’d ask my fellow aquarium hobbiests! I am starting up another tank. It’s a 40 gallon breeder and I would like to do some live, beginner friendly, plants. I plan to stock this tank with corys so I’d like to do sand (I love watching them dig!) but I’ve heard about the challenges that come with sand & plants. I do plan to use root tabs. I’ve been looking for a more course sand for two reasons, one being plants & two because it’s a little easier to siphon then very fine sand. I’m unsure if I need to put a base of some type of nutrient rich substrate .. or maybe primarily where the plants will go and then top it with sand.. I’m not sure. Has anyone tried Caribsea’s Torpedo Beach? What is generally beat practice for sand & plants?
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