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  1. Hi all, I'm upgrading from a 5.5 gallon (has a few white clouds and glowlight tetras in there right now to help me with cycling, will plan to rehome them) to a 10 gallon and I'm trying to figure out what kind of corydoras to get. My plan is to get a Betta centerpiece, about 10 ember tetra and 5 or 6 corys. I will need to purchase online because none of the local stores near me have anything in stock. Pygmy corys seem much more available (and cheaper) online, but from all the videos I've seen of them online their mouths are TINY and I mostly see them swimming around mid-water instead of staying on the bottom...plus with their tiny mouths are they going to be any good at actually cleaning up stuff on the bottom? With my research, I'm really loving the Habrosus because they definitely seem like they stay at the bottom and maybe get only slightly larger than the Pygmys, but they're out of stock nearly everywhere online. Thoughts? Thanks everyone for any advice or support 🙂
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