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  1. Hi Everyone! I wanted to share my journey with rehabbing this 75 Gallon fish tank for a local Animal Rescue in Kennesaw, Georgia. I'd initially expected volunteer orientation to consist of learning how to manage 40+ shelter dogs. However, during training, we rounded a bend, and there I saw it! At the end of a prominent hallway stood a dark, murky 75 gallon Aquarium! A weird, black hairy algae covered every surface, and at first I felt pity and horror at the thought of those poor fish (in a Shelter no less!). But then I was impressed as I saw it was also full of healthy, green Java Fern. I was humbled as my own Java fern struggles with black holes and general lack of vigor, despite my best efforts. In fact, far from being "neglected", this tank was much loved, yet it had no one who really knew how to take care of it. I knew that I could make this tank look really good, but could I convince it's "caretakers" to let me take it over? Diplomacy would be called for. Luckily, the offer of my services for free tank rehab and regular maintenance were accepted, along with promises that I, and I'm quoting here: "could spend whatever I wanted". Well, if that doesn't make a Nerm giddy, I don't know what would! Anyway, though I've kept my receipts, I'm certainly not spending "whatever I want" ! I've even donated some of my own plants - ok now I will post pics. This is the first picture I took after a MASSIVE 2X water change - with Buckets! Luckily, this shelter has court ordered community service volunteers who helped with all the carrying, but I was still exhausted. Had to teach them basics such as DO NOT pour HOT water into the aquarium. The black algae came out in clumps very easily, not wicked difficult like BBA - I wonder what it was? Anyway, more posts to come! This pic was taken on May 6, 2021. Java Fern, All Hardscape, and Gravel were already there (observe how pretty the Java Fern is, especially on the fake wood - subsequent photos will show its not as pretty after my interventions. I know for certain it DID NOT like liquid Carbon) -I added the Cabomba, Pogostemon stellatus and Hornwort from my own tanks.
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