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  1. Hey All Ive been thinking for a few weeks now as I’ve had several fish die for what I thought was spontaneous reasons. long story short I bought 6 cardinal Tetras and after a few days I would wake up and one would be dead. This happened over the course of a week and had 4 fish replaced by the LFS as my waters would come back 0-0-0 and now have 5… they have been stable ever since… Last Week I buy 6 Female Guppy’s to join the Chaos of owning fish factories 😂 but since purchase 3 have died… at this point I’m thinking somethings up with the LFS quality (it’s never the fish owners fault 🫣) After a long chat with them we diagnosed it was a faulty heater (could hear the filaments rattling and half the heater wasn’t hot when plugged in.) so purchased a new one and they will Replace 2 of the 3 lady’s.. so we assume the reasons for deaths it got colder over night and the fluctuating temperatures stressed them out. sooo after that long winded story I’ll get to my question. what is the “hierarchy” of fish death I.e most likely to least likely, any curve balls people have encountered? I know this is probably asking the same as how longs a piece of string.
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