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  1. Hey everyone new UK member here! I have recently picked up 23 asian rummynose from my lfs (sawbwa resplendens) for my 300 litre (80gallon) community tank, they are currently in my 10 gallon quarantine tank And have been for 2 days and most seem to be doing well and are colouring up nicely. About 3 of the females are veery skinny and i was thinking of pretreating them for possible internal parasites along with feeding good quality frozen foods such as daphnia and brine shrimp. Unfortunately i don’t have access to the Med trio here in England. I was thinking of using ESHA NDX which is a levamisole based treatment where you treat once and then again 2 weeks later in order to kill any internal parasites that may be present However these are “scaleless fish” who supposedly don’t appreciate poor water quality, unfortunately they aren’t very common fish and so there is very little information on them online, does anybody here have experience with these fish or just general advice about them as i would love to know more about my little mates Thanks guys and gals and just let me know if posted this in the wrong place
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