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  1. Hello everyone! After buying my first home as a single mom and with no one to tell me no, I bought my first fish! Frank is a blue Betta that I bought on a whim, fell in love with, and now desperately want to give the best life I can! He's kind of dim and likes to swim into my hand or under decorations I’m trying to move when cleaning his tank, but I love him none-the-less. I got him a tank mate by the name of Francis who probably wishes I had not. As soon as I realized I wasn’t killing him, I thought it would be safe to buy a second fish and tank. And so the red crowntail Betta by the name of Fred joined our family. I've learned now that I made a mistake listening to my LFS about the boys not needing bigger tanks. They both are 2.5 gallons and I’m in the process of remedying that. Currently setting up a 10 gallon planted tank for Frank, who seems like the more laid back fish that might get along with others. A few hiccups along the way of course: my plants are arriving before any of my other supplies will (substrate, light, fertilizer), and the air pump for my sponge filter doesn’t work. If everything somehow works out, I’ll look at upgrading Fred next. I’m here to learn and absorb as much info as I can and I imagine I can only improve from here. Quick question, would it be ok to place the plants in my water change bucket with my next batch of water change water from the boys tanks?
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