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  1. Hello everyone! I am a little worried about my Betta imbelis Yoshi. I have had Yoshi since January, he is from a breeder in Malaysia and has been pretty active and super social. He is an adorable little fish! Now he has always been very skinny, with his swim bladder being very visible. I usually feed my fish every other day but Yoshi I fed him a little bit on morning and a little on evening every day for two months when I got him, to no avail. He stayed extremely skinny. He was pretty happy and active so I stop trying. I feed him a rotation of krill, blood worm and bug bite pellets (soaked) every other day. Yoshi is difficult and all others food I tried to give him he spits. In June I traveled out of the country for 2 weeks and my husband cared for the fish. I came back begging of July. Other than forgetting to top off the tanks with distilled water he did a great job. To my surprise Yoshi ate everything he gave him. And yep now he eats frozen Daphnia, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp. So his diet has slightly changed in the past weeks. I did a water change last week and since then Yoshi has not been doing great. He start to lose most of his colors and now shows stress marks. Until today his behavior was unchanged, but today he is a little sluggish. Not as active just chilling below the surface, clamped fins. He doesn't show rapid breathing but he is clearly upset. 2 days ago I noticed the stress line and did a water change, added Indian almond leaves and reduced the flow of the sponge filter a tiny bit. Today I added a tablespoon of aquarium salt and a pack of paracleanse. I have honestly no idea what's going on. Maybe he has internal parasite, maybe a little constipation (his belly is definitely rounder and I don't see him poop, it's hard to tell since he is so skinny). Water parameters from yesterday: ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 0, phosphate 0, ph7.2, KH 3 degree, GH 5-6degrees. Which is exactly the same since ever in this tank, it never changes. I do a 20% water change every month. Tank is a 14 gallon cube, with about 12 gallons of swimming water, running for 2 years. Heavily planted, Stocked with a nerite and neocaridinas (I am pretty sure they have low key vorticella going around- maybe 5% of shrimp). Large sponge filter + small internal filter. 78F. Here is a picture of Yoshi begging of June: Here how he looks today: Anyone have a guess on what's going on? I really don't want to lose him, please give some input.
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