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  1. I'm looking to consolidate tanks, and wanted to know if I can put my humpbacked limias with my black chinned livebearers without worrying they'll interbreed. I don't want to make mutts that I need to euthanize. I can't find anything specifically on whether these two can breed with each other or not, but I have found some stuff saying they potentially could with guppies or mollies. If nobody knows, I guess I can do a bit of testing and report back on the results in a few months.
  2. I recently got a trio of these yellow bellied livebearers and they are absolutely beautiful! I love they way they act and they are just great fish overall. The thing is that I can't find that much information on them. Are they like guppies or platies? They seem really cool and I'd like to try and breed them. I currently have them in a 20 gallon long with 4 venezualn corydoras (I am thinking about getting more), I also have 2 female bettas in the tank (only in there temporarily until I can set up their tanks, they haven't attacked each other at all and I've had them together for about 2 months), and an otocinculus. It is planted with ludgiwia repens, valisneria spiralis, dwarf hairgrass, some buce, and frogbit. I just have a couple questions, how many more corydoras can I put in (if I should put anymore in), and any tips on keeping the livebearers? Also, are the females supposed to be like twice the size of the males. My male is like an inch while the females are like 2.5 to 3 inches big
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