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  1. I known most of you seasoned and experienced fish keepers have your own personal way you like to feed your community fish, whether it's once daily, twice daily, in the morning only, at night, different foods every day or same food every day - everyone has their own rhythm that works for their lives and their fish. I'm interested in hearing what your schedule is like! I'll go first! (Just keep in mind that I'm still tweaking) My 29g Community tank houses 16 Cardinal Tetra we call 'The Mafia', 6 Panda Corydoras we call 'The Crew', 5 Nerite Snails (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Bob), 8 Ghost Shrimp collectively called "The Invisibles" and 1 Grumpy but handsome Yellow Dragonscale Plakat Betta called 'Yuzu'. Mon -A.M.: Hikari Freeze Dried Daphnia - P.M.: Sera Vipachips Sinking waters (after lights out for Cories) Tue -A.M.: Xtreme Nano - P.M.: N/A Wed -A.M.: Hikari Vibrabites - P.M.: Sera Vipachips Sinking Wafers Thu -A.M.: Tetra Freeze Dried Blood Worms. - P.M.: N/A Fri -A.M.: Xtreme Nano - P.M.: Sera Vipachips Sinking Wafers. Sat -A.M.: Vibrabites - P.M.: N/A Sun- FASTING (Tank Maintenance) I did just purchase Repashy Community Plus and Sera O-Nip Nature Treat Tablets, so I'll have to figure out how I'll add those in and when... but, that's currently my feeding schedule!
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