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  1. Hello guys, I've been 'a fan of the show' for many years but somehow I hadn't heard of these forums until just now. I decided this was a nice time to join since I started a new setup a few weeks ago. I already uphold a diary on a Dutch aquarium forums but the crowd there is rather limited. I am hoping to interest and possibly even inspire some people with my latest build, a custom built aquarium with the following dimensions: 100cm length, 40cm width and 32cm visible water column depth. This system was designed with one goal in mind: to replicate a laminar flow river stream environment as closely as possible. Strictly speaking it is not a biotope because the plants and livestock have not been selected to match any biotope, but the aquarium style and build I think justify the 'biotope' label. In short: the water flows from right to left, sweeping over the wood and across the rocks before being drawn into the left hand grid and circulated back through the right hand grid. In order to achieve this, a plain tank was built with 100cm length, 40cm width and 40cm depth dimensions. A false bottom measuring 78cm in length was then installed, elevating the scape-able area by approx. 8cm and thus leaving room beneath. This room is utilized to circulate water in order to achieve the desired laminar flow, and is closed off (to keep fish out) by custom designed and 3D-printed grids in each corner. The pump responsible for the water movement is an Aqua Medic Smart Flow 7.1, capping out at 10.500 liters per hour (roughly 75 times tank water volume an hour) but currently running at 35% power. Further tech used involves an Oase Biomaster 600 (thermo) which has considerable power but serves for biological filtration purposes only, a Chihiros WRGB II light in 90cm length, a basic pressurized CO2 kit and a surface skimmer. I'm looking forward to hear your thoughts on this build. Kind regards from across the Big Pond, Mafkees
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