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  1. I just noticed something odd on the largest (a bit shy of 4 cm or 1,5 in long) of my otos, almost like a rupture behind the stomach area. The fish is behaving seemingly normally, but something is clearly wrong. It is a chubby oto, always on time for dinner, and it's also one of my oldest, a couple of years old. I did initially have issues with some otos dying off after I got them, but this one had no problems. In general I noticed improved survival chances of new otos when I started giving them Repashy super green and soilent green in addition to what they find naturally in the tank. I noticed this on the 3rd day of treating the tank with Esha Exit for chilodonella that was diagnosed on one of my silvertip tetras, but presumably all the tank has it. Looking at the photos there might seem to be a bit of pineconing of the scale, but I can't really tell from looking at the fish with naked eye, so the potato quality of the photo might be playing tricks there. Could otos burst from eating too much? Could this be reaction to medication or the parasites? Also, what to do to give the little guy the best chance to survive and recover from this? As an added note, I have a sort of a hanging food platform where I put the Repashy foods for the otos, otherwise they would be swarmed by malaysian trumpet snails in seconds. Sometimes I've seen my hoplo cats visiting the platform to hoover up whatever they can. And my male hoplo can sometimes be a bit feisty, but usually this only is with the females of the same species. But the oto might have been collateral damage to his visit too. Pure speculation here, but the otos aren't the brightest of fish sometimes, they freeze rather than run away. pH 6,6-6,8 Nitrates 25 Hardness 5 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 3 Water Temperature 24-26 C, 75-79 F
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