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  1. A couple of days ago, I was feeding my 8 gal Endler tank when I spotted some new fry. Upon inspection, I spotted that in the loose group of ~ 10 fry, there was one who was surprisingly gold! Here it is on the day it was spotted: And here it is today (comparison with siblings): Any ideas on how this happened? The parents are relatively normal: So what is it? Junk DNA making a rare appearance? Either way I’m quite chuffed. 😁
  2. I decided to start an aquarium journal for my 3 tanks. I will include information of all tanks and fish in the coming days.
  3. My endler moms don't eat endler fry, so I assumed they also wouldn't eat newborn platy fry. But today I put 18 platy fry into the endler tank, netting them as they were being born. A few hours later, I could only find about 6. The tank has nothing in it but hornwort (which I removed to count), and an ACO sponge filter (which several of the fry were hiding deep inside of.) So, in the endler bellies? Platy fry are super similar to endler fry, so it just doesn't seem likely to me... yet I can't find the fry. I'm hoping it's just that they're hard to see, but I'd appreciate any experience you have with this.
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