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  1. Has anyone had any experience with egg binding in their females? I have a pair of Boesemani in a breeding tank which is a 20H. They are the only fish in the tank. The tank is empty except for some moss for them to spawn in and a single anubias attached to a rock. I use a sponge filter and a submersible heater. I have had the pair in the tank for about a week. They don't hesitate to spawn, and I have witnessed them spawning several times. They have even spawned when I had my hand in the tank. The problem is that I never see her release any eggs as they separate. She also never seems to slim down any after the spawning. I am concerned she has become egg bound. I am curious if anyone has experienced this, and if there is anything I can do? I have done some research, but haven't found much information other than it could cause the death of the female. Should I just leave the pair in there and hope in corrects itself? I kept the pair in a 110 gallon community tank for about a year before putting them in the breeding tank. The water is the same in both tanks. I don't specifically remember them trying to spawn in the larger tank. In fact, the male would chase a female rainbow fish in that tank that is not a Boesemani rather than the female he is with now. The water parameters from what I remember are: ph is around 7.2, the nitrates are around 10, temp is around 79-80 degrees, and I have fairly hard water here. I would give the exact readings, but my testing kit ran out, and I have on order that hasn't arrived. The last time I tested was two days ago. Thanks in advance for any advice or experience.
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