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  1. I was surprised yesterday to find that the Easy Plant LED was available, or at least would be if it wasn't already sold out! If there was a big announcement I missed it. Customer Service said they could see no problem on their side, and seemed to be unaware that it was even offered on the site.😕 The page offers a notify when available option. At this point everything went down hill. When pressing the notify me button, the page asks for a phone number or email address. The page offers no place to enter an email address. Am I required to give a phone number in order to proceed? At one point the page asked me to log in. I was already logged here, and have never had to log in a second time to make a purchase. I tried using the login button and was told that my email/password were incorrect. Today, after clearing the cache, cookies, history, and a cold boot, nothing has changed. There were several other issues on the site, but the biggest issue at the moment is that for some reason email replies to customer service are being rejected! I decided to come here rather than starting the conversation over each time.
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