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  1. My husband and I had some African dwarf frogs before we got married 15 years ago. I recently started a little 5 gallon for my daughter and decided to get 2 for her. We had good luck before. These two just died in a week. They seemed fine. They were eating and swimming around. This morning they were out but by the afternoon they were dead. They looked like they were shedding, which I know was normal. After reading around after they died I fear the shedding was wrong and might have been a fungus. Now I'm worried to put more in there. I don't want to scrap the tank because I have a bunch of live plants and a few endlers. Anyone else have this happen? Should I do something for the tank before adding new frogs? I've heard of a fungus called chytridiomycosis that will stay in the tank and kill any frogs added. The fish are fine by the way. The tank cycled for three weeks before we added to it. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20. Our water is really hard here. Tank hangs around 75 during the day. 72 at night. Sorry I don't have a picture.
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