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  1. I have been trying to come up with a name for my fish room, didn’t want to force it figured it would come naturally. Names like Brian’s fish room, aquatic adventures, Indiana house of fish, ect… didn’t seem right. As soon as I seen this term, phrase, word(s)? I will research it more. And the fact that I have to do that makes it fit even better. Because my fish room is not just for show tanks, breeding, or hoarding but first and foremost it’s for learning. @Guppysnailstarted a thread today Interesting article about how the word aquarium was established. No spoilers but…The name of my fishroom will be “My Aquatic Vivariums”. In this thread I will be describing each of my tanks in as much detail as I’m capable of, along with my feelings and concept I was/ am trying to achieve. Mostly just wanting to document my tanks as they sit today (day of posting for that tank) then update every 3 months 6 months not sure yet. Will be back with 1st official post in a couple days.
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