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  1. Hey Everyone, I had emailed into the co-op a few months back when I first watched the documentary and I wanted to attempt to briefly share a little bit about myself and my journey with the topic. I spent today watching the first one and I'm always left with so much on my mind afterwards. First, and this is not an exaggeration in any way, when I was a kid I wanted to grow up and be an oceanographer. I wanted to do something with marine life, sharks specifically, and I was truly inspired by Steve Irwin and watching his shows growing up. Another big part of my personality is wanting to be a professional chef, cooking, and wanting to learn about cultures through different cuisines of the world. I ended up learning a lot about computers, went to college for computer engineering while I worked as a mechanical engineer. I've always been interested in sharks. They are my favorite animal, favorite hockey team, and just an amazing part of our world. Because of that interest I generally keep my eyes peeled during shark week specials, documentaries, and on those topics. Sharkwater was released a bit ago (2006) and was a journey of someone explaining how they got involved in their conservation. They explain some amazing things about them, about how the main character has this awe of them. It also talked about some pretty heavy topics and things impacting the species. Later a special came out about sharks by Gordon Ramsey in 2011 and the thing that bothered me was that the images shown were of the exact same locations doing the exact same thing every single day and nothing had changed in that time period. Which brings us to the topic I am posting about.... Sharkwater 2: Extinction (2018). I knew this one existed but it took me a while to see the film. I never knew what it was specifically about, beyond it was more about Rob and his journey trying to conserve the animal he loved. As the film ended, I sat there speechless as I watched this story unfold. I was.... I felt like I needed to actually share information and one of those small ways to do so was to email my hockey team and to email Cory. Simply put, I think both sides would absolutely support the message and the topic if they simply had someone recommend to them to go out and watch the documentary. I tried to contain my passion and enthusiasm and simply recommend the film, briefly share the main topic that was relevant to the hobby. I was shocked, amazed, and blown away when I had heard the topic mentioned on a live stream as a sort of "members only" movie night. I genuinely hope it happens. This documentary made me think about a lot of things, but one of the main topics of Sharkwater 2 is that there is a lot of "fish" based products that do contain shark. As a result, those products contain mercury. This does include many things you'd never imagine and there is a list you can find via sharkwater and their conservation efforts. As for aquaria, I looked at the back of my fish food and saw those infamous words. "Fish Meal". I genuinely am curious and would like to get an answer from the companies that make the food products whether or not the products used inside of them do or don't contain shark during manufacturing or the final products. My suggestion at the time of writing the previous emails being that companies could stand behind the conservation effort and use it as advertising. I sure as heck would support purchasing food, filters, and so many other products that I already use that had the shark free icons and stuff on the labels. These byproducts apply to so much more than just fish food and I seriously think the aquarium hobby, these companies in this hobby should look into it. In the end, I believe that this is a great way to spread some publicity for the effort to save sharks. I want to recommend to anyone here, please go ahead and check out that film, I would spoil anything, but I can simply ask that anyone who does know the ending or Rob's story, please don't spoil it. Below I want to quote/post the introduction from the first Sharkwater. This is the director Rob talking about his love of sharks. This is a Photo, another conservationist. Matt Draper. Amazing stuff.
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