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  1. Hey everyone, I have a question about a disease that I’ve been trying to figure out for awhile now without success. The disease appears out of nowhere, kills quickly and always creates a lot of flaky debris. The first time I saw it was while I was an employee at Petco and it killed an entire shipment of 100 guppies in 24 hours. It just showed up in my 10 gallon planted tank yesterday and it killed my school of Ember tetras in 12 hours, my Pygmy Cory catfish in 24hours, and now my Albino Cory cat and Oto both have signs of it. On my Embers and Pygmy Cory it created a lot of flake, but now it’s starting to behave like ich. I thought it was a bacterial disease the first time I saw it, but then yesterday seeing it’s characteristics I decided it was probably a fungal disease, so I started treatment with API Fungus Cure. Now today I’m thinking it’s parasitic, but I’ve never seen a parasitic disease cause flaking like this. I did a 25% water change to reset the fungal cure I was using yesterday and I started treatment with the Paracleanse, Maracyn, and Ich-X trio today that they sell here on the site. I unfortunately don’t have any pictures of it since everything happened so fast, but I can tell you I recently moved to a new state and this was the first time I used the tap water. The water here is weird and I wasn’t going to use it, but then I did and this happened. The only off thing before this issue appeared was my pH sitting at 6.0 (possibly lower because 6 is the lowest my test kit goes). This tank has been giving me issues as of late, but hasn’t been detrimental until now. Mostly just an abundance of algae growing. The pic is after I started the most recent treatment. Thanks for any help given!
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