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  1. Now want to clarify I started with a larger group of the Honduran red points I then had the alpha male appear to select his female and I think she’s female and want to make sure she has every quality but want to make sure I looked up online said females have a orange blotch on their side and hers is there it’s a little faint she’s more blue but I looked up and it appears her fins match a female more blunt and round but want to ask you guys to make sure that she is for sure female they seem to be doing great together which I would have to think would mean they are male and female then, because if they were the same sexes they would fight. Also the male was chasing every other one except the one that he chose in the pics below. Here are pictures. Their always appear to be swimming together or near each other too.
  2. @Cory @Randy @brandonnaturally I'm pretty sure I remember Cory saying some time back that not every store that applied to the Retail Partner program would be accepted, can anyone else confirm hearing this? I work at a store that just applied today and we are pretty excited about it but I'm not holding my breath. I would love to see aquarium co-op merchandise in our store
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