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  1. Hi all, Thought it made sense and would be nice to document the start of my new aquarium. Background: I have been having multiple aquariums (SA cichlids, L numbers, Cory's mostly) for most of my adult life. In 2015 I moved to Spain for work and up until recently been moving around too much and never felt rooted and at home enough (if that makes sense) to setup aquariums again. In my current home there is just too limited space to do what I want how I want, however I found some space to at least get back to 1 aquarium and get the juices flowing again. Thanks to this forum and Youtube! So I got a pair of new 96 liters about 2 years back thinking it would be the start of a small fish room but the house I planned it for never materialized due to legal paperwork issues. I put them in storage and kinda forgot about them mostly, thinking one day I will find the right house and set them up in a proper room. Pulled one out of storage yesterday, filled it up to make sure its not leaking That went well, so put some black vinyl on the back and one side and put it in his new place:
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