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Posts posted by Liquidreel

  1. 1 hour ago, KaitieG said:

    I think you'd be totally good to do this either way then--I'd say whenever you'd have the most fun/time to work on it (before vs. after the move), go for it!

    Okay cool! I’m thinking before the move. Easier to catch the kuhli loaches in the 16 that i am putting away. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, KaitieG said:

    Are you planning to keep your 5 gallons intact while you move?  Or will you need to break those down for the move anyway?

    It’s a short drive so I was planning on keeping them in tact and just draining them.

  3. Hello!

    i am moving soon and need to tear down my 16 gallon. Since I will only be able to keep my two 5 gallon tanks. I want to use this as an opportunity to rescape since I will be using some plants from my 16 gallon and want to change gravel. Should I do this before the move so I don’t have to save plants in a bucket while I move? Or would it be better to wait?

  4. 2 hours ago, Joey said:

    I am currently trying to sort out some staghorn algae issues. It’s very hard to know what to do. 
    a few days ago I stopped using liquid fertiliser thinking it could cause it. But after reading the aquarium co-op article on algae it says this can make things worse!


    I agree. I have been dosing the carbon but it has been difficult to be consistent. I’m doing the Amano Shrimp path now and I’ll let you know how it goes 

  5. 48 minutes ago, Cory said:

    I'd get some amano shrimp or a siamese algae eater to work on it while the tank balances.

    Sounds good! Is there any additional tests/ things I could try to cut out the source of the Staghorn? I remember you mentioning on a stream that it takes time to arrive so it will take time to get rid of. 

  6. Hello!

    I am currently battling with Staghorn algae. Which for some reason is only affecting one of my tanks. Would love some help! The tank is a 16 Gallon Fluval Spec and I use the included light on a two light cycle day. In the morning for 1 hour, and in the evening for 5.


    1 Kuhli Loach

    6 Cherry Shrimp

    6 Spotted Blue Eye rainbows

    8 Ember Tetras

    4 Pygmy Cory Cats


    16 Gallon Tank

    PH 7.8

    Ammonia 0

    Nitrite 0

    Nitrate 5ppm (water changed yesterday)

    I am currently dosing Easy Carbon once a day. But it seems to only have an effect when I spot treat. And not when I dose the entire tank.


  7. 2 hours ago, Knew tooth is said:

    Thank you Larrimore. I looked up pseudomugil and it looks like these are Rainbow fish (?). Pictures show them to be vibrant in their coloring. Because of the relatively small tank size, 10 gallon, the rainbow would need to be of the dwarf variety. My search for yellow dwarf rainbow begins. Am I correctly identifying this fish?  

    The Yellow Dwarf rainbow fish is a different one. Pseudomogil Gertrudae is known as the Spotted blue eye Rainbowfish. And is a great little nano fish that’s very active and also easy to breed if you want to try that later down the line.


    • Like 3
  8. 20 minutes ago, Brandy said:

    If by cherries you mean shrimp, yes. If you mean barbs, then no. They are little, but beautiful. My spotted blue eyes spawned often, but no fry because I never worked hard enough to get rid of the snails.

    Yup I meant shrimp! Thank you for the Info! I’m hoping to breed some for fun but also wanted to breed cherry shrimp too.

  9. Has anybody ever breed these before? I want to breed a small fish in a 16 gallon but I’m not super hyped on live bearers (sorry Cory).  And do people think they would be okay with some cherries?

    I included my tank! And will remove the Betta before adding these.


  10. 4 minutes ago, Fish Folk said:

    Yeah . . . I think that a livebearer you really enjoyed would be most prolific. Curious: is that a matin filter on the side? Trying to figure out the inflow tube. 

    Not a Matin filter. It’s a Fluval spec so it’s their “all in one” filtration system. I threw a sponge filter for extra filtration and to have a cycled sponge ready incase I ever need one.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Fish Folk said:

    CPDs would be glorious. Not sure how the Betta may interact with fry... and CPDs might be a bit challenging to breed. Very pretty tank! Thanks for sharing.

    I would be moving the betta to another tank once I got them in. I’m a bit worried about the Pygmy corys maybe eating some eggs. 

  12. 16 minutes ago, Fish Folk said:

    It would be inspiring to see a photo of your setup. Provided this is a planted tank, I’d select a quality endler strain from a reputable breeder who will sell you a few males and females of the same strain. Grabbed a free-usage photo of a nice male example. There are other even more inspiring gems too!


    Here you go! Sorry I should have thought of that lol. The Betta will be moved to another tank.


  13. Hello! 

    I am looking to start breeding some fish for fun in addition to cherries. The 16 gallon tank already has some ember tetras and some Pygmy corys. Any recommendations for nano fish that are fairly simple to breed? I am fairly on top of my water changes and have extra filtration to accommodate for the extra waste.

    I added a picture for reference! And I’ve been thinking of doing CPD’s?


  14. Hi! It is properly cycled, has been running for about 5 months now. And I’m doing water changes once a week, I have been gravel vacuuming so I shall stop that. I have reached out to a friend about taking my ottos and some embers already. I will def look into some floating plants so thank you!

  15. I need help managing my Nitrates in this tank. I did a 25% water change yesterday and my nitrates are still in the 40-80 range. This tank is a 16 gallon with one female betta, 16 ember tetras, 4 ottos and 2 Kuhli Loaches. Advice on here led me to having this number of fish in it. I am willing to rehome if needed but hope I don’t have too.

    Any advice on lowering nitrates? I only spot dose with Easy Co2 to combat some small pieces of BBA. And I use UNS contrasoil as substrate. 



  16. 21 minutes ago, Cory said:

    I think getting the ones you have now healthy is the right start before adding more. If you think about it logically, If you had 3 dogs who were sick, would you get 3 more, and quarantine them all to try and get 6 pets healthy? That's just harder than getting the initial 3 healthy, then doing it again later, if something goes wrong you have more time to dedicate to it.

    As for adding more fish, make sure you are aware that the fish you have now will already be quite the load for a 40 gallon pond. Adding more will require more work. 

    You could remove all the plants and use salt at 1 tablespoon per gallon to treat any external bacterial and fungal infections. Then change water and do the trio. Or you can just wait for meds to arrive.

    Thanks Cory! I shall try and find some appropriate salt in the mean time since my order is due to arrive on Monday. I am off to write some product reviews to say thanks!

  17. Update on my moms pond, I felt as though this requires its own post because it’s now a new situation. We have lost most of our inhabitants of the pond. Now left with three small feeder comets, one 2 inch shubunkin, and one 2 inch comet. It’s a 40 gallon pond with two large sponge filters that have a 60 gallon rated air pump.


    We want to restock the pond but not sure how to go about it since a disease likely wiped all of our fish out. Do we treat the remaining fish with Med trio? Also if we lose the rest before the meds get here, how do we sanitize the tank to get ready for new stocking? And as for restocking, another option could be do we add our new fish and med trio them all to quarantine the new ones as well?



    Nitrite: 0

    Nitrate: 10

    Ammonia: 0

    PH 7.2

    No Hardness test

    Outdoor pond in central California. 


  18. My current idea of treating as a result of Cory’s comment is the med trio, minus ich (guess it’s not a trio). In order to treat any potential diseases. My mom wants to replace one of the shubunkins she lost. Can I add it then start my treatment? Also any other advice welcomed!

  19. 3 minutes ago, Cory said:

    Did you quarantine or put any meds through them? Typically small comets like that are just barely a step above feeder fish and can run rampant with disease. 

    I quarantined the original stocking. But the small comets were some of her addition and are sold as feeder fish from a local pet store.

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