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Posts posted by cavdad45

  1. We have had a couple power outages that came back rather quickly. However, I noticed on one tank the air flow to the sponge filter did not come back on. I shut off both branches of the air and turned them each back on. Back to normal.

    Just a reminder:  If you lose power, check and reset the functions on your tanks, Just because the lights came on, doesnt mean everything came back

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  2. I love the daily surprise of livebearers

    I came home today and found a new platy fry.  So far only one. I captured him and put him in the breeder box.  I'm assuming that the others were snacks, but keeping my fingers crossed.

    I know, it's no major accomplishment getting livebearers, but each time it's thrilling to me.

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  3. I usually do better getting rocks from LFS, but wood I get comes mostly from Petco. It takes a couple months to leech properly, which i do in a 5 gallon bucket and change the water every few days until it's stays clear.  There is a boiling method, but I havent tried it

  4. Stocked another tank, Found a beautiful albino bristlenose male and got a female from another source, picked up a half dozen panda corys, and a half dozen panda platys, picked up another Java fern, and found a local source for java moss

    I call the new tank my black and white tank because of the coloration of the fish

    Got tank 2, cleared up with no casualties.

    Next item is a small desk lamp for raising baby brine

    Oh yeah, I sank my granddaughter's Sponge bob decoration in Unit 2, to give her a head start on beneficial bacteria for when we start her tank

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  5. Glad you're here, Good forum, mostly a great crowd,

    I started by inheritance also. I was on the navy, deployed. When I came home my wife had a 20gallon community tank from a neighbor that gave it to us when they transferred away.  Man, that lit off a bug. 40years latet, here I am.

  6. I have endlers in a community rank with a honey gourami, a little bristlenose, and a band of corys.  Two days ago, one of the females dropped pups.  So far, I haven't had a predation problem, there are a few java ferns they swim through, but love the water sprite. The other fish go by all the time but don't hunt the babies, I am feeding the whole tank a bit more often to keep the rest from getting hungry.

  7. Last night we discovered a new clutch of baby endlers swimming around the vegetation.  Not sure how many, so far 5 or 6, but they are hard to detect and they hide well.  Already taking to ground flake,

    It's exciting every time.

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