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Posts posted by BeeD

  1. On 7/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, JettsPapa said:

    Good for you.  If you don't plan to borrow money you don't need a credit score (or as Dave Ramsey refers to it, the "I love debt score").

    I'm a little afraid of stepping into politics in this thread, but I do kind of think the kids would all be better off if their schools required a Dave Ramsey curriculum. Even the kids who are barely paying attention will learn something that will be of immense value. We would not have been able to buy a house if I hadn't taken at least some of his advice. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/9/2022 at 11:33 AM, derelict said:

    Hi! Thanks for your response. I'm not sure about the cycling although it sounds worrying, it was my understanding that a small amount of nitrites could be
    in your tank in order for it to be turned into nitrates which are in turn removed by water change and plants but maybe I'm wrong? It's also in the safe range on
    my drip test so I hadn't really considered it being an issue. As for your questions: The tank has been running for 2 months now and I use the seachem brand
    for everything. Prime for conditioning and also stability. The wood and leaves are not boiled. They are bought from an aquascaping store though and the
    person there told me that it would not be necessary so I went ahead and rinsed them with my aquariums water and put them in. I hope that was not a mistake then.

    No need to worry. You are correct about the small amount being safe and normal. I think I misunderstood. I thought that you had been doing frequent water changes to keep the water stable, so I assumed it was testing much higher than that before water changes. It's possible that it can be cycled and still need frequent water changes, but it depends on your bio-load. 

    I don't know. I guess I never see the nitrites after my tank is cycled, but that could just be my test kit.

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  3. The PH scale is exponential, so the drop from 8.4 to 7.4 is actually massive. 6.0 is neutral, and I would honestly not enjoy working with that water, so I would never use just straight RODI in a tank. I might use it for hatching killifish eggs in the future, but that's about the only time I would ever use pure RODI. I do use a mix, but that's because my water tests off the charts in KH/GH/PH after oxygenating in the tank for a while.

    I do use RODI for top-offs in my only tank that evaporates. But I try not to go to far with that, because the mineral content is not static. I want to replace whatever is lost.

    So I guess what I'm saying is, there are benefits, but you probably don't need to take it very far. Most fish will live a long time in 8.0. 7.8 is great. 7.4 is great. Definitely don't use straight RODI. 

  4. I think your tank is still cycling, based on the presence of Nitrite. In that case, it would definitely not be every other week for water changes yet. I'll let the more experienced people weigh in with details, but I would say it's normal for your water changes to be at least once a week for now. I have a couple questions I think others will ask. How long has the tank been running? Did you use any tank conditioners? Did you boil the wood and leaves?

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/6/2022 at 10:17 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Do you guys think the carbon may be counteracting Prime's ammo-lock feature?

    Also, what do you guys think of these? https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/ammonia-reducing-filter-pad

    Whenever these crashes happen I can't help thinking about how much I hate these carbon cartridges they sell new fish keepers. I don't know if it was the ammo-lock, but based on what she has said, something knocked the carbon out of commission pretty fast, but I guess not until after it starved whatever bb was living in the gravel and etc.

    I'd like to know more about that filter pad too, for exactly these situations. I just wouldn't know how much to put in, I'd be afraid of affecting the cycle.


    On 7/7/2022 at 10:58 PM, MommaOlenik said:

    Thank you. I really hope so!! This is the third time in a month I’ve watched this happen and be good for a day or two and then start all over again. 

    Hang in there. I've been through it too. I think they have you on the right track, and the plants will help. I don't think I saw anyone mention it, but if you can, try to feed earlier in the day so that the plants have plenty of time to soak up the ammonia he produces after eating.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Most people under 40 probably can't buy a used vehicle that is only a few years old without taking out a loan. I would guess that more than 75% of people under 30 couldn't buy a $5,000 car right now without taking out a loan. I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure this hobby is carried by people who took out loans for things that were more important to them, including that 50 inch LED TV. 

    • Like 1
  7. Well there are some people here keeping them, I'm sure they'll be around to exchange information about this. Try a forum search for your favorites, see if anyone has discussed them. I know for sure there are some active discussions going on regarding a couple Shiner and Darter species, as well as Florida Flag Fish.

  8. It's a debt economy. GenXers, Millennials, and Zoomers are living in the wake of Boomer debt-excess, and they don't know how to deal with it. The way to deal with it is to not support the debt system. I just don't think many people want to live that way, or they've already dug themselves down. I don't know how many Zoomers are in this forum, or how many of you have kids, but every time I talk to younger people I tell them get roommates, share the costs, enjoy yourselves but SAVE MONEY, and of course learn how to not be selfish so that you can actually enjoy your time living together. No idea if I know what I'm talking about, it just sounds right to me. 

    Also, that's not to say that all Boomers lived beyond their means, but I think most will admit that the 2008 crash had a lot to do with the way the financial system was set up to take advantage of Boomer driven market growth, and what that system then had to do in order to continue growing in a more difficult era. 

    • Like 2
  9. In my experience, the population can stabilize, but sometimes right on the edge of your tank's limits. I think more and more of the guppies will start eating fry more aggressively as they start feeling crowded, and females will delay egg development (or something like that). Then a generation will die, and more fry will start to show up. If you do interfere with that system by separating, do it with absolute efficiency, because you can trigger a ton of fry to drop at once. Separating can be hard because some males develop more slowly. 

    I'm too lazy to go search old CoOp videos, but I feel like I remember Corey talking about this a lot. I feel like everything he has said about it has been true for my guppies. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 6/27/2022 at 10:56 AM, Patrick_G said:

    I have a story about reading the expanse series, my memory loss and a mystery solved. 

    The Expanse series was made into a tv show. I knew about it and several friends recommended it. I though I would get around to it eventually but I had read the books, and thought they were “meh” at best.  Last month I decided I would reread the series before starting the show. About two chapters into the first book I started to get very confused. I couldn't figure out why the book seemed different, from when I’d read it in 2019. After a few more chapters I though I was going crazy, did I actually read this? Was my memory going? I decided to go back over my Kindle history to make sure. It turns out I had read a low budget pulp space opera series that “borrowed” lots of plot an terminology from the actual series 😆. Mystery solved and I've now finished the smart and very well written Expanse series! Im a huge fan and I’m ready to watch the show now. 

    Halfway through your thread I was getting ready to discuss Daniel Abraham's style, and ran into your plot twist. I don't know what to do now, lol.


    • Haha 2
  11. On 6/29/2022 at 10:20 AM, Brandon p said:

    Cool idea. I breed in the muck bucket with frogbit. It had to isolate a strain and applaud your efforts. I have a gold strain that is ok but I have lots of culls. The other strain I have the LFS does care about so much because most can’t tell. I do only breed the best I just don’t have cull. With the gold any spot on it makes it a cull. 

    I think I have a very long way to go, especially with my fraternity/sorority cull tanks already filled. May not be able to do this, but it has been interesting.

  12. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, because I've only had Mbunas. But if someone did want to breed peacocks, is it best to stick to one species/strain? I know my Mbunas crossed, and the offspring weren't as colorful. Which made them a little harder to give away, so I had to do some separating to avoid over populating.

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  13. I've just decided against video for now. Caught myself spending too much time on it, and really leaned into the distractions pretty hard that day. But I still want to share with passersby here.

    My favorite female guppy, favorite fish overall. Plus a Gen1 offspring male from one of the males in the next post. Anyway, proof that the wildest female guppy I've ever seen eats snails when I cut back their food for a day.




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  14. I don't have much to add. I've been in a reading dead zone for a while. I did reread The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I'm surprised by the fact that I liked it more as a teenager than I do as an adult. It doesn't seem like something that teenager would find compelling, but I guess teenaged brains will grab onto anything new and soak it in. 

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