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Ariel S

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Posts posted by Ariel S

  1. 52 minutes ago, tonyjuliano said:

    Best tip I can give is...

    Don’t try to to keep cardinals in hard water.

    Seriously, they just do not do well under those conditions.

    As for alternates, consider the humble White Cloud Mountain Minnow.  

    Great schooling fish, super active, tiny bio load, extremely hardy and inexpensive.

    They will acclimate well to almost any water condition.  Are also available in a “gold” variant.

    Yes! I’ve tried a couple times to keep cardinals, but they always die!! My LFS refunded me once, but not the second time (Bc it was 3+ days) which was frustrating. They are so pretty! I think I’ll be trying the white clouds or danios! 

  2. Hello All,

    I’m swapping some fish around my tanks and I’m looking for some mid/top level fish for my 29 gal. 
    They will need to live with my Kuhli loaches and Apisto (he’s been in there about 4 years- they need to get along with him). 

    I have very very hard water.
    temp 79/80 usually.

    PH- 6.8-7.2 

    Not looking for guppies or endlers (I have another display tank filled with them).

    I wanted cardinal tetras originally, I’ve purchased groups twice now and had them all die in quarantine on the 1st or 2nd day. So I’ve basically given up on them. Does anyone have tips on keeping cardinals in hard warmer water? 


    thanks in advance! Just looking for inspiration/information. 

  3. Well, I purchased the Ziss breeder box, I figured I would put the eggs in there when I get them from my spawning mop. Then let them hatch out in there. Then move maybe move  them to this 2.5 gallon tank I have with a tiny sponge filter for easy water changes. 

    For food- I was planning to use the Hikari first bites, baby brine, frozen cyclops, repashy (not “cooked”) and maybe some super crushed flake food. 

    this is what I do for my endler fry. But I’ve never dealt with eggs. 

    do you think that’s an okay idea? 

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  4. Hello-

    I am looking for tips on breeding the red neon blue eyed rainbowfish (pseudomoguil Luminatus). I was lucky and was able to catch Cory on a stream and got some guidance on breeding these fish, but I still have a couple questions. I’m a breeding newbie!  

    I have a spawning mop to catch eggs and have a plan for where to keep the fry once they hatch, but does anyone know what’s best to do with the eggs until they hatch? Do they need to be tumbled, in for example the egg tumbler Aquarium coop sells? Or are they fine to just sit in a tray with no water movement? or should they be in a small aquarium with an airstone? Do I need to add methylene blue? Any ideas on how much of so? 

    do I need to do water changes for whatever I’m keeping the eggs in?? 

    thank you everyone! 

  5. hello! 

    im having KH/PH issues—- I’m not a newbie, but new house with new tap water is blowing my mind!!! 

    I have very low KH from my tap but very hard water (hardest readable on test strips)and PH at about 7.0 depending on the day.

    I’ve been getting PH swings throughout the day that I’ve been tracking for 3 weeks. My ph is swinging from 6.5 to 7.6 throughout the day most days (starting 3 days after water change) 

    Yikes! I’m thinking I must need more KH- but how can I get it? water changes are only lasting me about 1-2 days, then I’m readying nearly 0 KH in my tank. So I guess a water change won’t be my best bet. Crushed Coral? Seachem’s Equilibrium?  

    I have 1 lb of crushed coral currently mixed into my gravel, but should I use more? No room in my filter to add it, unless I toss one of my 2 sponges out (AC50)  

    this is happening in my 29 gallon. 

    any help would be greatly appreciated! 

  6. On 2/22/2021 at 10:37 PM, Teakae said:

    I read polycarbonate was better than acrylic. This past weekend I cut some to put over my 29 gallon. I wanted to put the HOB on the side rims so I needed a new lid. 


    Do you have a picture of your lid? 

  7. Hi! 
    Does anyone have  any experience using or helpful knowledge when it comes to using plexiglass for a tank lid? 

    I have a big sheet left over from some COVID-19 partitions I put up and was thinking of cutting it and adding a hinge to use it instead of buying a new glass lid for my 40 breeder. 

    will it be ok to get wet? Have algae on it? Withstand humidity?


    thanks in advance! 

  8. On 1/20/2021 at 4:09 PM, StephenP2003 said:


    Not often I see rarer fish in my LFS that are compatible with my communities. Paid $21 for this guy/gal - which is a lot compared to my usual MO of buying schools of $5 fish. The only higher priced fish in my house is the betta. 

    Once I put it in my 90-gallon, it disappeared for a week, but has since become more comfortable so I could get a photo. 

    Anyone else keep these? I haven't even kept the more common hillstream loaches before. 

    I also just bought this fish on a whim because my LFS didn’t have what I wanted. How has your expedite been so far? 

  9. Hello! 

    I am upgrading my 20 gal to a 40 breeder. And I’m wondering if it would be an “instant” cycle or does it need time to settle in? I don’t have much space in the room and Ideally I would like to break down one tank and replace with the bigger one same day (with the fish inside the new tank same day). 

    Filter- Upgrading from Aquaclear 50 to Aquaclear 70. Upgrading small sized sponge filter to a large, but keeping the small one as well.  

    Moving same fish plus adding 12 new psdeudomoguil rainbows. 

    I’m using the same substrate, plants, filter media, and sponge filter. I’m adding more new media to the filter as well since it’s bigger and adding in more plants. 

    Thank you! 

  10. On 10/18/2020 at 10:28 PM, Cory said:

    I would try the salt since you're not seeing results from the anti biotic. 

    Is it okay to treat with salt and API erythromycin at the same time? Or try one for the full treatment and then the other? 
    For salt, what kind? Epsom? Aquarium Salt or Marine Salt? How much? 1 tablespoon per 10 gals? And do you water change out the salt? 

  11. Hi,

    im planning to drill my freshwater 40 breeder and plumb in a 20 high sump. I’ve only ever used HOB filters so I’m a sump newbie and a plumbing newbie really. 

    does anyone know of a good video, website, blog, diagram or something that would show me what exact Plumbing equipment I’ll need? There is so much online but mainly focuses on saltwater set ups with overflow boxes, not drilling the actual back pane of glass.


    thank you in advance, 

  12. 3 hours ago, Larrimore said:

    Also, you may look at building a standard 2x4 stand and covering it with something to "dress it up".  I did that in my daughter's room.  I built a 2x4 stand then covered the 2x4s with faux barn wood.  Cost an extra $30 but it looks nice.  Not really "sleek" but nice.

    I've not heard of faux barn wood. Local lumber or hardwood stores carry it?

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