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Harley Boraras

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Apprentice (3/14)

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About Me

Greetings from Western Australia,

About me ... I got back into the hobby in 2021 after many years away. Enjoying it way more this time around, especially planted tanks. 

I currently have a 40g planted tank (peaceful community) with harlequin rasboras, green neon rasboras, strawberry rasboras, ember tetras, endler livebearers, bronze corys, one bristlenose pleco and plenty of red cherry shrimp.

A 23g planted tank with hundreds of red cherry shrimp.

A 16g planted tank with yellow cherry shrimp and a bristlenose pleco.

A 10g planted tank with celestial pearl danios and red cherry shrimp.

A 23g tank currently used for growing plants and a 12g tank waiting for me to get inspired.  Oh and a 5g quarantine tank.

Definitely no space in my home for any more tanks,  

I use passive co2 supplementation in all my planted tanks, cheap, easy and effective.

Can see some of my tanks here 🙂  

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