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Posts posted by Pinky

  1. Sadly he passed some time today while I was at work despite perking up over the last few days.

    Aquarium levels are listed below. 
    The only thing I can point to is the sudden dissappearance of my shrimp, and that he over ate and developed bloat. I'll have to make a note of this for the future and avoid keeping them together. 


    • Sad 1
  2. Update, 

    Tank readisngs are the same from yesterday. 

    Fed the little guy and he took some food this morning, and a few bites when i got home from work. Seems to have perked up a bit, and is reacting when I lift the lid to get a look at him. He even swam for cover at one point. 
    Hes by no means "well" yet, but he is improving, so fingers crossed.

    • Like 1
  3. After cycling my tank for two weeks, and the cycle becoming stable, I purchased a male dwarf gourami yesterday, he was lively and healthy in the store, he acclimated well and was lively last night. 
    This morning, and all day he's been quite lethargic, with clamped fins, and spending all his time in one side fo the tank near the surface. I not sure whats going on. I gave him a pinch of new life spectrum probiotic food tonight, and he ate a few gulps, but was otherwise diinterested unless it was right in front of him. To add to this, there are ghost shrimp and a few snails in his tank that are doing perfectly fine. along with a random molly fry that got into the bag with the gourami. He is the only one having issues in the tank. 


    • PH - 7.2
    • Nitrates - 5ppm
    • Nitrite - 0ppm
    • Ammonia - 0ppm
    • Water Temperature - 75F
    • Filtration - nicrew internal 5-10 gall filter, with coarse sponge, filter floss and marine pure gems biomedia. 50GPH




    I have also included a video so you can see just how bad his inactivity is. 


  4. I think you have a dominant male and a subordiante male. Honey gouramis cannot be sexed via color as subordinate males will take on a females coloration. 

    The fin of the "female" fish is too pointed for me to think its a female and not a suborninate male. Compare with the fins on this gourami. 


    and this subordinate male gourami
    Trichogaster chuna – Honey Gourami (Colisa chuna, Trichopodus sota) —  Seriously Fish


    Let me know if you have questions 😃


    • Like 1
  5. Look up marblie genes in bettas, if everything is otherwise healthy and hes not showing signs of distres, and only patches of color change i think thats a likely answer. These marble genes pop up randomly, and can change a fishes color in a very shoert amount of time. the blotches also match up with what i have seen on other fish in the past. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. On 1/15/2022 at 6:50 AM, BuzzDaddy21 said:

    Hi Pinky, welcome to a great community.

    II have no idea what kind of plants or what kind of fish that is, but the big question is how many tanks??🤪


    That is a old pic from around 7 years ago! She was an awesome fish though, I kept my opaline gouramis in a harem and they were so fun to watch. 
    Currently I only have two, a 10 gallon im cycling, and a 45 im hoping to have hardscaped by next month, but the lights and flitration is taken care of 😃
    I had to sell all 5 of my tanks when i moved across the country a little over a year ago, so it feels good to get back into the hobby after such a long break.

    • Like 1
  7. Hello all! 
    Im Pinky, Ive kept aquariums for 2 decades and recently got back into the hobby after a year hiatus due to moving across country. 
    I have kept goldfish, and tropical freshwater fish of all kinds. but my faves are probably the asian species, even if some of the SA fish are really stunning. I accidentlly bred goldfish once and kept one of the fry for over a year, it never thrived because of a mouth deformity, but he was a cutie.

    I live in Denver CO, with my husband, two cats, and small parrot, where i make maps to pay the bills. In my spare time I enjoy playing video games, digital art, nature photography, and enjoying a colorado Avs game here and there. 
    Its nice to meet you all 😃


    • Like 5
  8. I have kept fish for 2 decades, so this isnt my first rodeo. 

    Last sunday I set up a 10 gallon with some spiderwood, seriyu stone, river socks, black sand, water and prime. I left it overnight until I could go to the store to get my ammonia and bacteria, but I wanted to soake the spiderwood in the meantime. 

    Anyway I got home from work on monday to a massive bacteria bloom, so I rushed out to get the ammonia i needed so it wouldnt crash. I figured this was bacteria from the spiderwood eating the ammonia from the tap (i have .75ppm all day everyday lol). 

    I becan dosing up to 1PPM per day for 2 days, on the 12th i stopped dosing because the bacteria wasnt keeping up, but my nitirates contnued to slowly rise. my ammonia also rose over the next two days. The biofilm growing on the spiderwood is alo getting to be quite impressive. 

    But tonight my nitrates went down by 1ppm overnight. I am baffled. Has anyone seen tthis before? Im so confused? I thought you needed to have a super deep established sandlayer to lose nitrates like this. 

    I have never dosed the tank with any bactera, or other seeding product. 





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