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Posts posted by Tami

  1. I have been trying to grow plants for over a year now -they grow but stay very small BUT I have grown A LOT of different algae

    The photo is of my newest issue (though I have had it for at least a month) thought is was black beard but it is slimy feeling and I can easily rub it off - it pinks up almost instantly with direct dosing of liquid CO booster - it is on every plant

    I am making some changes - trying to wait at least 2-3 weeks between changes, just would like to know what it is

    thanks for any suggestions - I am not the best photo takers




  2. I am no professional but over my first year and a half I have learned that patience is key - if you keep messing with it you will never figure out what worked or was wrong.

    If you don't have fish in there, then just let it sit with your filter running and lights as you want them and wait.

    Frequent water changes and disrupt a lot of things - plus your source water could have minor differences every time you change it unless you are using  0 TDS RO/DI water

    Test once a day and keep a journal.

    When I had crazy readings it was an inert cause (once never figured it out) or my source water all the other times.  Switching to RO/DI has fixed that for me - the cost was worth it since I was buying bottled water.  If you are using your tap and it is the cause you can figure out how to adjust your tap water for stable numbers.

    In my experience nitrates don't affect my pH - my nitrates are 15-60 without my pH changing.  My RO/DI water goes in at 8 (the tank test 7.8 after) and settles at 7.2 in 24 hours without a change until I change water again in 1 week. GH/KH can affect pH. figuring out if that is stable would be helpful.

    Good luck and breath - if there are no lives at stake  - you have time to learn patience


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  3. I struggled to cut glass well.  I used thin polycarbonate plastic that I had a friend laser cut for me, put it in so one part slides to feed (saw a video).  

    I ordered the greenhouse stuff from Home Depot (cheapest price) and it arrived in 2 days - haven't attempted to cut it yet

    Good luck - I found a lot of options - this will be my third effort, the thin plastic does the job but is bowed and I cracked a piece

  4. @Betsyand @Isaac Myou guys are go getters! I too have been playing around with the best option for journaling. A friend bought me a printed journal that I like a bit but really just like writing in a steno notebook until I need to look up stuff.  I have stacks of papers that I desperately need to organize in a binder BUT then there a fish to watch or plants to fuss with, videos to watch, forums and articles to read..... the expenses is a good idea then I know how much I have yet to spend. here is a picture a journal page for more ideas



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  5. not that I have it figured out but my first sword did amazing then rapidly died - I have learned that they want root tabs.  I started with 2 right at the roots when I planted and put 2 in every month as it puts out at least 2 leaves a month. Cory has a video on started plants and he says they need lots and increase as growing - my crypts seem to need them too.  My moneywort is new to me - it is growing very slowly (just put root tabs around them too) and it has grown some floating. The forum has lots of good advice, and aquarium co-op videos are great

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  6. @MadTurtlewouldn't your nitrates rise naturally if you did not do water changes and used regular dosing of Easy Green.  I have a hard time keeping mine down to 20 with half dose Easy Green and understocked tank....one of the many things that confuses me in addition to yo-yoing plant growth and almost every kind of algae... just thinking out loud cause not sure I can even say it is my 2cents. following to see what others post


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