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Garrett J

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  1. Okay sounds good to me 😂 I do have some pea puffers in another aquarium… jk that would be a very expensive feast 😂 I’m going to watch it and just see what happens! Normally I just let stuff like this play out and not worry, but it’s my wife’s first tank and I want it to be a good experience ya know? Anyway, thank you guys for the input! I’ll try and update later for anyone else who comes across something similar.
  2. Thank you for the response, I really appreciate it and have learned a ton! I didn’t have a clue! Should I be concerned for the baby shrimps? How might I eliminate the larva? Thanks again!!
  3. Hi everyone! I recently added some new plants to an aquarium about 3 weeks ago and just today noticed a small worm down in the substrate. It’s not a detritus worm, and I don’t think it’s planaria unless it’s a different form of planaria that isn’t super common. There are shrimp and ottocinclus in the tank, as well as a tiny Borneo sucker. 5 gallons, no heater, hard water, 7.6 pH. Please help me identify! I have some burried female shrimps that are ready to release their eggs soon and want to make sure the babies will not be at risk! I have a video but can’t post it here. If you want it please reach out and we can get in contact directly!
  4. He does 😊 Such a fun fish!! I wanna try and breed them one of these days!! Enjoy those juveniles!!
  5. Thank you! I’ll try the hydrogen peroxide and see if it makes a difference. What you said is a good idea to at least start narrowing down I think!
  6. Help! I have this algae that’s been growing in my aquariums for a long time… it covers most rocks and substrate in high light areas of the tank. It’s very hard, and cannot be easily removed. I haven’t noticed any fish, snails, or plecos that will eat it. It seems to stain my rocks once I pull them out of the aquarium. Any ideas of what it is and how to treat it?
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