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  1. I like that idea Taco, thanks for the info.
  2. Hi folks. I recently purchased a second-hand 55 gallon Oceanic tank. It appears to be in really good shape, with excellent-looking/feeling silicone. The one concern however is a small chip in the glass right on one of the corner edges, about 1/3 down from the top of the tank. I have watched a view videos about chip/crack repair on aquariums, and most use an epoxy or windshield repair kit. However, all of those were not on the corner of a tank, they were on a flat area. There were a couple videos of edge repair. One of them used a concoction of thin super glue and baking soda to create a ‘cement’ that was super hard and strong. The other used two new strips of glass, about 4 inches wide, and siliconed them to the aquarium glass. One of the two pieces overlapped the edge of the tank, and the other butted up to it, just like a tank. All the edges were then siliconed to create a seal. So, do any of the members here have experience with repairing, or attempting to repair a chip on the edge of an aquarium? Was it successful? What works? What does not work?
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