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Everything posted by KittenFishMom

  1. My "tap" water is RO/DI. It is like distilled water, no minerals at all. KH in the tank looks like zero right now. I would like to get the pH up to at least 6.4, but cause that is the lowest measure on the dip sticks. How important is replacement water temperature to the shrimp and possible cory fry? I was thinking of cory for the adult corys, but the shrimp might need it warmer at the same temp as the tank. A lot of eggs are high on the tank walls, so I will need to do a faster water change than I would like to keep the eggs wet.
  2. @nabokovfan87 , @itsfoxtail, and @Cinnebuns Here were go again. There are fresh white eggs in both the shrimp tank and the 55 tank. A lot in the 55 tank, on the glass by the java moss. There are still some dark eggs waiting to hatch in the shrimp tank. I think I will add a bunch of java moss to the floor of the shrimp/cory tank. I'm planning to do a water change in the shrimp/cory tank. The pH is very low. I am planning to use Salty Shrimp GH/KH+ in the RO water. I have wonder shells in the tank. I have SeaChem Alkaline buffer and am wondering if I should add some of this to the replacement water, or if I should mix up a little in a separate bottle and add a little bit at a time. I am thinking of moving one of the Wonder shells to the top of the sponge filter to increase the water flow around it. The wonder shells are not dissolving as quickly as I would expect, but there are always a few shrimp on them. Send me your thoughts.
  3. @nabokovfan87 I'm toying with the idea of turning on the under tank lights and watching the fish, or going to bed. it has been a long stressful day here. I should go to bed, but watching the fish might be relaxing, and help me fall asleep. The shrimp tank has some hard scape and a good bit of cholla wood. Lots of hiding places. It may be awhile before I see the fry. bbs will be hatching tomorrow. I think they are 2 big for the cory fry, but the parents might like some. I think the adult shrimp like them too.
  4. @itsfoxtail I was planning to keep them in the shrimp tank. I have scuds in the 55 tank as part of the clean up crew. I think the scuds might go after the fry. All the corys in both tanks are spawning again. I don't know what I will do if a lot of fry live. I don't have that much time to try to rehome them. It is a lot of fun, and they don't multiple like guppies. The local fish shop closed, so it is an hour drive each way to the nearest shop that might take them.
  5. @itsfoxtail AND @nabokovfan87eggs at 1 am looks like the top egg and the eggs on the left hatched. sorry it is so blurry.. There are a lot more eggs on the tank walls. The group was easy to photograph. earlier photo
  6. It also looks like both tanks are spawning again. I haven't had a chance to condition them since last time. pressure has gone from 29.5 to 29.8 in about 12 hours. @itsfoxtail they are hi-fin/long fin peppered cory. I am going to take another photo, some of the dark ones seemed to have hatched.
  7. @nabokovfan87 I took about 10 photos each time. I'll see if they all have that fuzz. The fuzz is about the same in all photos, so it looks like it is on the egg and not just the imagre.
  8. @nabokovfan87 I noticed that, but I think it might be an egg casing from the middles of the top photo? @nabokovfan87 How soon do you think they might hatch?
  9. @nabokovfan87 and @Cinnebuns and @itsfoxtail Here is a photo from yesterday and one form 7pm and 8pm tonight. Do things look good for these future cory fry, or not so good? Yesterday: Tonight at 7pm: Tonight at 8pm:
  10. I just ordered 20 Malaysian Trumpet from eBay. All the info I had read made them sound like good snails to add to my tank. Then, today, I was reading about them in Wikipedia and saw this: "Melanoides tuberculata is known to carry certain parasites which can be dangerous to humans. Pinto & de Melo (2011)[30] compiled a checklist of 37 species of trematode parasites from this species of snail.[30] Eleven of those trematodes are also parasites of human.[30] These snails serve as first intermediate host for parasites which include:[5][26]" ... How often do these snail carry parasites, and what is the best way to make sure the are safe before I put them in my tank? Do they need a special quarantine treatment? I have my bare hands and arms in my tanks all the time. Please let me know what you think?
  11. @nabokovfan87 I knew MILK did not make sense, but I never thought of MULM. Of course. @nabokovfan87 All that is providing flow in the tank are 2 air stones and a sponge filter. I added the extra air stone because the water is cloudy. Bacteria can consume a lot of O2. We have a huge fountain on our dock that aerates the lake in the summer. At night the seaweed consume a lot of O2. On still days, I think the lake around our dock benefits a lot from the fountain. @itsfoxtail I think that 65 was an all time low today. When we left, the sun was pouring in the 3 panel sliding glass door, so I turned the heat down. It took longer than I though so it was twilight when we got back. The wind that blow the clouds away, blow the warmth away later in the day. I have put a heater in the tank and will try to get it set to 72.
  12. @nabokovfan87 I put Repashy Community Plus in. Not sure what you mean by "just make sure there is milk in the tank"?
  13. @nabokovfan87 I would rather not move the cory parents. I'm just not use to seeing them so inactive. I thought maybe they were stressed and needed to be moved. Maybe warming the water will get them going. @nabokovfan87 I fed the tank bbs the last several days because I hatched some for the flagfish that had been shipped. I don't see hydra. I I just used the end of a test strip to get some community plus out of the jar and sprinkled it over the air stone bubbles to circulate.
  14. I got the shrimp Dec 30th. They have been around 68f temp wise. The seller said he had kept them in the lower 70s, and raised the temp to 77-78 to trigger breeding behavior.
  15. The shrimp tank has a large sponge filter and 2 air stones (to fight a bacteria bloom if the cloudiness there is a bloom)
  16. @nabokovfan87 shrimp tank is nitrate 25 nitrite 0 hardness 300 buffer 0 pH 6.4 I used Salty Shrimp GH/KH+ in the last water change and have 2 wonder shells in the water, as well as some crushed coral. should I move the 3 corys or leave them in the shrimp tank. I have Repashy Community plus. How much dry should I add to the shrimp tank. Will it bother the corys if I add it dry? Should I stir the shrimp tank while warming it, or will that upset the shrimp and the adult corys?
  17. I think the shrimp tank was 40,0,0. with a temp of 65. I run the tests again. and have new complete results shortly. @nabokovfan87 Only my big heaters are adjustable for temp. How fast can I rise the temp in the shrimp tank? Should I stir the water to move the warm water around?
  18. I move 3 hi fin corys from the 55 gallon tank to the 10 gallon half cylinder tank where the blue shrimp are in hopes of getting some fry. The corys laid eggs. Now the water is getting cloudy, but the water parms are all good. The corys aren't swimming around the way they were before. I don't know if they figured out there are only 3 and want to be in a bigger group, or if the cloudy water is calming them, and they are less active, or if something else is going on. It is much trickier catching them in the planted 55 gallon tank, so I don't want to keep moving them around if it isn't necessary to stress them by netting them. The shrimp tank is not heated, so it is cooler than the 55 gallon tank. I'll get the temps, to compare. The wind cooled the cottage, so the shrimp tank is 65 and the 55 gallon tank is 70.
  19. I think the cory eggs should be hatching now, but they don't seem to be. Please help me figure out the status of these eggs. There are more around the tank. These are different clusters. Unfortunately, my camera work is not as clear as I like. Note: The water is cloudy, but the parms look good. The corys are not as active as they were and I will probably move them back to the big tank. I have flagfish in my quarantine tank right now. The shrink tank is un heated and is at 65, because the wind cooled the cottage while we were in town. I have turned the heat in the cottage up. Note #2: Eggs appeared Thursday and Friday 1/5-1/6. Today is Wednesday 1/11 Which eggs look like they might hatch? They are in a tank with blue shrimp. Are there any I need to remove? photo 1 of 5 photo 2 of 5 photo 3 of 5 photo 4 of 5 photo 5 of 5
  20. @Remi de Groot Great! Thanks. I thought I bought something silly because I didn't know much about shrimp. I have 3 peppered corys in the tank, so I don't think much shrimp food will go uneaten. Those corys like to eat frequently. They spawned for 2 days. @everyone Thanks for all your help on this. I did a water change tonight with the Salty Shrimp GH/KH+ and no one in the tank complained at all. The cory eggs are still on the wall of the tank.
  21. @Patrick_G Ok I have 30 blue neo shrimp in a roughly 10 gallon tank and a can of no-salt green beans. How many pieces of green beans do you think I should start with? Do I need to cut them up of shred them or smush them or just drop them in? @Remi de Groot I bought a shrimp feeding tube with a dish at the bottom that hangs from the top rim of the tank. Is this of any use at all? Or is it made to sell, not buy and use?
  22. @Cinnebuns I have been pulling every ramshorn I have seen today @Everyone The hifin corys in my cory shrimp tank just spawned all over the place! There are a lot of eggs, so if some get eaten, I may still have too many. I have been feeding bbs and vibra bits soaked in tank water, so hopefully the corys will fill up on those and leave the eggs for a bit. I'll work on getting photos showing the hopefully soon to be parents.
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