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Posts posted by Nourhan

  1. Hello! I currently have betta and khuli loaches (in quarantine before introducing to betta). My plan was to purchase "topfin fine gravel" it is very sand like. Unfortunately lots of customers at LFS said the product reeked of a chemical smell and of nail polish! So now I'm back to square one, I will be returning this product, it's a good thing I delayed my substrate change and didn't use the sand! My question is what brand of sand do you guys use thats safe for bettas/loaches. Thank you 🙂

  2. On 9/10/2021 at 9:59 AM, Odd Duck said:

    I just scrub them in hot water, soapy if they’re super dirty (Dawn so it rinses clean), then rinse and scrub some more until I’m happy.  Unless they’re super porous, they’re not really going to hold on to much and soap will clear off most anything.  You just need to make certain the soap is absolutely 100% rinsed away.  I figure if @Dean’s Fishroomsays it rinses clean, it does.

    Beautiful rocks, by the way.  Nice find!

    I actually didn't end up purchasing them. Seller claimed it was 100% sandstone. I got someone properly identify them, turns out it was a mix of different rocks such as granite, and other components. I didn't feel comfortable putting them in my tank because of this, I didn't want minerals leeching in the tank. It's a shame cause they are gorgeous! I guess I'm stuck with pet store rocks. I heard a family pet store that sells good rocks so I will check it out  

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  3. Thank you for the info! I agree with u on the odor, prime definitely has a sulfur smell and I notice api stress coat doesn't. I reached out to api and hopefully they can give some answers. I checked on the bottle and I didn't see any ingredients other than oleo written in the name which was no help. I hope they can get to me asap cause I need to dose the tank tomrrow

    as for your last note, can I use any bacteria starter like api quick start or safe start instead of fritzym after meds treatment? I don't have fritzym at my LFS.

  4. Hello! I'm new to this forum!  I had a few questions about co op's article on quarantining fish. Im using the quarantine med trio 

    1. How much of each med trio should dose for a 7 gallon? Full dose? Half dose?

    2. Will my loaches be okay not being fed for 9 days during med period?

    3. Do I have to remove my filter media during dosing quarantine med trio? I currently have them on 7 gallon container with air stone and cycled filter sponges, and co ops sponge filter.

    Thank you! :)

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