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Posts posted by drewzero1

  1. When things are hard to find, need to be ordered online, or just plain unavailable. I've spent a lot of time and effort going around to local stores trying to find the fish, plants, and snails I'd like to keep. A lot of times I've just had to wait and see if they ever get something in because shipping has seemed like too much of a hassle, especially with live animals and plants.

    Also, nothing can ever stay the same very long. A few months ago I was very happy with my main tank, but since then some plants grew more and other plants died back, I lost some favorite fish and snails, and I ended up doing a heavy cleaning and trimming. Now it looks too sparse, but it won't stay like that for long either.

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  2. On 3/27/2022 at 11:42 PM, Brandon p said:

    With the plants you have I would not even use the easy green. Stick fertilizer tabs. Two snails should be be than enough. Snails and and a small pleco or otos but the tank is  small so I start with the snails. You can get albinio Bristlenose Plecos

    That grow to 3-4 inches.

    Not in a 5 gallon though, most information I've seen for BN plecos recommends at least 20-30 gallons! I have one nerite in my 5.5 but two would be perfect. I wouldn't add more fish.

  3. I think you can just start a thread and write directly on the forum... at least, that's what I've been doing. (Link is in my signature.) Just make sure to post it in the "Photos, Videos and Journals" section: https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/forum/8-photos-videos-journals/

    Then when you want to update it you can just add a new post to your thread.

    I love honey gourami but don't have any currently. I'm looking forward to following your journey!

    (N. B. - I don't remember if there's a minimum post requirement before you're allowed to start threads, so if you're not able to start one yet try reading and posting on some existing threads to build experience. Check out the "Introductions and Greetings" section and say hello!)

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  4. On 3/26/2022 at 7:14 AM, Guppy Guy said:

    I would love to see things that need no power cord! If someone could put Tesla’s wireless energy system in lights and filters, all you need it one plug that wirelessly transfers energy to the tank! This is also how wireless phone charging works.

    My white cloud tank is technically wireless, but it does have three air hoses going into it for the sponge filters and the HOB breeder box. I'm more okay with air hoses because they're transparent, no risk of shock, and I can make them effectively as long as I want.

    I don't know if I've said this on this thread yet, but I'd really love an air powered heater if that was somehow possible. (You'd need to move a lot of air to provide that much energy!)

  5. On 3/18/2022 at 5:43 AM, Odd Duck said:

    Nerites can take a bit to settle in and start moving.  Remember they are almost 100% imported, so they go through a lot to get to us.  A bit of chipping isn’t unusual and not usually medically significant for the individual.  I’ve seen an unfortunately high death rate on nerites and have pretty much quit buying them despite how beautiful and effective they are.  I’ve been trying to focus on slowly livebearing species or other species that I know I can keep under control.


    Perhaps because of being wild-caught/imported, nerites have been hard to get around here the last few years. I was hoping to also switch to slowly livebearing snails but that hasn't worked out.

    I was given two nerites last week, both with moderate pitting. One has a barnacle attached to its shell, so I wonder if some of the pitting was caused by other animals trying to attach 🤔

    I use epoxy for repairs and casting at work and absolutely wouldn't put the stuff we use in my aquarium. We use the JB Weld two part stuff and it can get pretty hot, especially when doing a larger casting, and it STINKS! Some epoxies soften with prolonged exposure to water, and the waterproof ones tend to have a longer harden/cure time. I'll have a look for something that might work.


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  6. Welcome to the forum! I'm also in IT and I find fishkeeping a really wonderful escape from work:

    - The fish don't complain if the network is slow

    - They don't demand upgrades

    - I don't have to relearn a whole manual every time a new fish comes out

    - My old fish don't become useless and obsolete after a few years


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    • Haha 2
  7. Finally finished emptying, cleaning, and drying my 10gal. It's the first time that had been empty since 2016, my longest-running tank. The minnows seem to be happy in their new 20 gallon home. Started prepping the 10 for a matten filter, to replace my 5gal at work. (Anything 5 gallons can do, 10 can do better!)



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  8. A dying hobby-- Not at all! I got started at a young age with the Athearn Santa Fe "warbonnet" in the background, and the Bachmann one in the foreground was my grandfather's. I'm sharing it with my toddler son, who loves making the trains go but doesn't yet grasp that they also need to stop at the end of the line. 😬

    There's a window and a storm window, so dual panes already, but the frame definitely leaks some air. I'm going to see if some of those window well bubbles will help seal a little better, and I should also check/renew the caulking when it gets warmer out.

    We replaced our furnace this winter and in the process I learned a lot about pre-forced-air heating systems. Hot air would rise continuously by convection through registers in the center of the house, and the cooled air along the wall would sink to the basement through return vents. So the walls are cold by (obsolete) design. I imagine the original cast iron "octopus" coal furnace would've kept the basement nice and toasty, though also quite dirty. Our laundry area is where I figure the coal bunker used to be, based on markings on the walls.


    On 3/12/2022 at 8:28 PM, Cinnebuns said:

    I have that same light but with 3 rows of LEDs, it grows some java moss but it grows algae faster! I had a thick mat of java moss growing in a tank that just had a USB-powered LED puck light, but I am also very very patient with that tank.

    I have java moss in heated and cold tanks, and it seems to grow much better in my cooler tanks. What's your water temperature?

    I also have some guppy grass and it seems to grow more quickly than the moss, but also dies off quickly when it doesn't like something. It's taking over in one of my tanks and gone in another.

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  10. On 3/13/2022 at 12:56 PM, Minanora said:

    ...Looks like your tanks are in a downstairs space near a window. Kinda looks like there's an H.O. scale train as well. Maybe insulate that window? I really want to see your train layout. I'm getting distracted though. 🤣

    Well spotted! I'll have to clear it off so I can get a good pic of the layout... there really isn't much to see. It's just a 6'x16" modified Inglenook shelf layout, with a 5' dual track runout. (Wrong forum? 😜) I haven't done any permanent scenery yet so it's ended up becoming a flat place to set household projects, but I keep right-of-way clear so the little guy and I can run trains.

    It's a finished room in our basement. I chose it for my office when we moved in a few summers ago, not realizing what our basement would be like in the winter. Future plans may include insulating (especially the window) and heating (there's one vent in the whole basement but some previous owner put a wall in front of it). There's only so much you can do with a hundred-year-old house, but I'm hoping to at least keep it in the low 60s.




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  11. Thanks  @Minanora , I appreciate the encouragement.

    I had just picked up two smaller heaters to use as spares so I put them both in... hopefully that helps keep it stable. I've been wondering if the temperature difference was too much for the heater in the winter (50°F-60°F vs 80°F) and this seems to point to yes. I'm debating whether to try to insulate my aquarium for next winter, or switch to more cold tolerant stocking.

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  12. Bad, bad weekend in the tanks. Lost one of my female Endlers in the office tank yesterday (I'd been watching patiently for fry since September but it turns out she was just bloated). Today I lost my pearl gourami and my last molly from summer 2020. The gourami had been in quarantine with Maracyn two for a mouth rot issue, and I was preparing to put her down if necessary, but the molly was a surprise. I put my hand in the water to take him out and it was freezing! The heater had failed since the last feeding and the water was down to 63F.

    I'm seriously rethinking my fishkeeping strategy at the moment. I've done a 90% WC on the hospital tank and moving my WCMM into it so I can tear down the 10g they've been in; going down to 2 tanks should help me focus. I'm not sure what's next for the Pearls tank without its two centerpiece fish.

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