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  1. Hi Colu, how long can you keep a betta in an epsom salt treated tank?
  2. Hi Colu, it looks like u indicated earlier in a post that I could use epsom salt in the quarantine tank starting at 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons, instead of doing the baths (which is a lot more work). Is that accurate? If so we will do a 100% water change on Tuesday and change the salt type.
  3. Hi All, wanted to update on our progress. We have started metroplex and Kanaplex treatment, of which the third dose was today. The medicine appears to have had no detrimental effects. He’s doing a little better, but swim bladder is a definite issue. See video below where it’s bulging out the left side of his body. His appetite is still strong, but we are fasting him for 3 days (last meal was Saturday AM. He did pass a large stool though, so not sure he’s constipated). The tank is also treated with aquarium salt. Thank you all for the advice. Concerned the swim bladder issue might permanent, but he’s a real fighter and is making due as best he can.
  4. Thank you everyone. The Maracyn two treatment ended Sunday and we performed a water change. We’ve been doing once daily epsom salt baths and added aquarium salt to his quarantine tank today. Kanaplex should arrive tomorrow, at which time we hope to start treatment. Will keep you posted on any news.
  5. Thank you all for your suggestions! We gave another salt bath this evening and we plan to do that twice a day to see if there’s any improvement. Also looking into Kanaplex as a possible follow up to the Maracyn 2 treatment.
  6. Thank you very much. We gave him a salt bath about an hour ago. No improvement at this time. Appreciate your help!
  7. How long would we keep him in the quarantine tank after adding epsom salt? From what I’ve read it appears he should be moved out of that after no more than 15 minutes. So back into his primary tank then?
  8. Thank you all for your feedback. We don’t think it’s possible it’s ammonia poisoning as all water parameters have been and continue to be normal (i.e., a zero ammonia reading). SBD was a thought of ours but his lack of bloating and no recovery from a 3 day fast make us more unsure. If his swim bladder is a part of the issue, there does seem to be another underlying issue based on his behavior and his gills. see attached picture of the inflamed gills, as well as two links to YouTube videos taken this morning from his quarantine tank showing his behavior. Again, thank you for your feedback! We are desperately trying everything we can think of to help him! 3rd day of Maracyn 2 treatment was this morning.
  9. Our betta is sick and we are having a hell of a time trying to figure out what is wrong. He shares a 20 gallon filtered and heated tank with one pleco. They seem to ignore each other. All water parameters are good. We noticed him being a bit lethargic about 9 days ago. We fasted him for 3 days with no improvement. Now, he has been moved to a hospital tank. He stays at the top of the tank, mainly on his side. Sometimes he is in a curved "c" shape. His gills appear to be inflamed. He will gulp for air at the top of the tank on occasion. His color has faded but he does not appear to be bloated or have pineconing. Before moving to a hospital tank, we had started a parasitic treatment with no improvement. Now that he is in his hospital tank, we have started treating him with Maracyn 2. Tomorrow will be day 3 of this treatment We have tried to feed him a pea but it sank and he was not able to swim after it. He was fed some Daphnia today The oddest thing is that he is still very interested in food and is very eager to eat. We are just stumped as to what the issue is. Any ideas?
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