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Sam D

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  1. I was thinking Big Joe might need more space. I’ve got an easy planter coming and I plan to use the super glue gel method to hold some plants in place. I may see if the plants help before getting another filter, but it’s certainly an inexpensive option. Thanks!
  2. Hi, new member here from Abilene, Texas. Our family inherited a 50 gallon tank from some friends who were unable to take it when they moved. It came with a rather large goldfish (Big Joe) and an algae eater, who were joined by my son's fancy gold. We also have a 10 gallon with a betta and some Harlequin Rasboras. As you can see the large tank is pretty empty. It came with some plastic plants but they were in rough shape. I've installed a large sponge filter, and I've got some live plants on the way from Aq-Co-Op. I am wondering if I need a second sponge filter, or if Big Joe is a little too big for this tank? I am also considering upgrading the gravel to something more natural looking, but I'm not sure what would be best. I hope to learn a lot more about this hobby and look forward to all the good advice! Sam
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