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Posts posted by PattysAquatics

  1. I just switched from a south / Central American cichlids to a community tank and love it. I never used that sand but wouldn’t see why it wouldn’t work. As far as filters sponge they would be enough you just obviously don’t get as good of mechanical filtration. I use a fluval 306 cannister and a sponge filter on my 75 gallon and is more than adequate. Have fun , I loved going to the fish store and looking for something other than cichlids 

    • Thanks 1
  2. So what really is the difference between cardinal and neon tetras? I know there is a slight color difference and there is price too but why are cardinals more expensive? Is it because neons can be mass produced? Are there health differences? Just curious. I have cardinals and with neons being cheaper I thought I would pick some brains 

  3. So I bought some fish for my 75 gallon planted tank. I got

    10- cardinal tetras, 6- green fire tetras, 6- swabwa barbs( rummynose rasboras)&6- kubotia rasboras. I also have 5 Cory’s and 2 bristlenoses. My question is how many more if any fish should I get? I don’t want to over stock the tank. The cardinals and green fires get 2” max and the rasboras will be smaller obviously so I don’t know how to judge how many to get yet. Any ideas ? 


  4. 5 minutes ago, OceanTruth said:

    Mine sends out lily pads pretty often. I do have to trim a few every so often when the leaf seems a bit unhealthy. If yours is looking healthy I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe it just needs some more time.

    I use root tabs for the lily as well. I feel like it helps.

    Yeah I thought about root tabs and put more in about 2 weeks ago. I ordered another lily so hopefully that one comes back with the new one coming. I love the lily pads 😂

  5. So got a question, I ordered a red dwarf aquarium lily some months ago and it grew great at first and got 3 lily pads but I had a bad bout of algae in my tank that collected on the stems to lily pads and they eventually broke off .The leaves of the plant never got algae and have cleared up the algae in the tank for about a month now. I’m not getting anymore lily pads. The plant looks healthy. Do these only send out lily pads once in awhile or is there something wrong with it? Thanks 

  6. 7 minutes ago, James Black said:

    Yes tetras would get along with each other. different kinds of tetras won't school with eachother though. All though I have heard that the Neon Tetra, the Black Neon Tetra and the Green neon tetras all school together, I guess its because they are all the same kind of tetras. And I've heard of a neon tetra schooling with a group of cardinal tetras. All though for the most part tetras won't school with other kind of tetras. Yes tetras and rasboras will get along.

    So for example: (I'm not saying you need 3 different schools)

    -7 Cardinal Tetras

    -7 Rummynose Tetra

    -7 Serpae Tetras

    This way the cardinals will school together, the rummynose wil school together and the serpae tetras will school toegther.

    Cool thank you. Trying to get as much info as possible before I go to get fish this weekend 

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  7. 9 minutes ago, CorydorasEthan said:

    Emerald Green Cory as in Brochis splendens or Corydoras aeneus? For tetras, I don't have much experience with them, but I heard X-ray/Pristella tetras, neon tetras, cardinal tetras, rummynose tetras, and glowlight tetras would work well for smaller species.

    Brochis splendens , just the standard one at most fish stores. 

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  8. 21 minutes ago, CorydorasEthan said:

    How many cory cats do you have? If you only have a couple, consider getting a few more they look spectacular in larger groups. For a schooling fish, go for tetras, rasboras, or a large group of pygmy cories. Pearl gourami and guppies stay at the top in my experience, so those would be a good choice for the surface/top portion of your community.

    I have about 8 emerald green corys. Might get a few more. After reading the comments definitely looking at tetras and rasboras. Will be very excited to go to my LFS Saturday to see what they have in stock 

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  9. So I have done mostly all cichlid tanks and want to change one of my tanks over to a community tank. It’s a 75 that’s pretty heavily planted. I have numerous snails and a couple bristlenose plecos in there already and some Cory’s I will add from another tank. I want to try shrimp but beyond that I’m at a lose for what to choose. I like colorful schooling fish so I was looking for suggestions so I can look them up. Thank you 

  10. So I have been battling algae for a couple months now. Looks like a mix of BBA , blue green and a brown/green  sludge . I can scrap the majority off the big leaves with fingers but not all. Brought light intensity down from at its highest 80% ( have a fluval 3.0 set at a 13 hour cycle ramping up 4 hours to max for 2 hours then ramping down for 7 hours) to 60% for max intensity. Have also been battling nitrates. Was getting readings of 40/80 ppm 2 days after 50-70% water changes. This week I have done 3 water changes and stopped using fertilizer to keep it in the 10-20 range. I tried spot treatment with easy carbon and at first seemed to help some but then did nothing. Tried hydrogen peroxide this week in spot treatment but a little nervous about dosing whole tank. As far as a clean up crew I have 2 bristlenose plecos and some MTS but trying to find bladder snails. I have South American/central American cichlids and Ornate Bichirs so shrimp won’t work. Any advice would help. I could cut my hours of light down with continuing getting nitrates under control to help but am lost. Bought all these plants and they are almost all covered in some kind of algae. 



  11. So have a question. My step son got out of the hobby and took down his tanks and was going to throw his fish in the garbage so I told him no and I would take them. Now I have 10 tanks but they are mostly 29 gallons and he has some fish that get bigger. (3 oscars around 8-9 inches , Jack Dempsey, firemouth, convict, feather fin catfish, and a blood parrot ) I have them separated into these tanks which I setup for different fish which are on hold till I can find something to do with them. I couldn’t let him just kill them. Where can I reach out or advertise to see who would take them. I dont have any local fish clubs and the only fish store is a petsmart that won’t take them. Thanks in advance 

  12. Well I went the Petsmart in my town and they said they can’t sell or give them away. She was actually quite rude. Unfortunately it is the only fish store in my county. There is a Petco and LFS in the next county 20 minutes away I can try. Also thank you Randy for the link for the local fish clubs. I have heard of a few of them here In my area  and will be interested in doing some research on them. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Randy said:

    I really cannot see why your LFS or even a big box pet store would not be willing to give you a couple of pond snails.  Give it a shot and make sure you report back.  If they say no it will be interesting to hear why!

    Ok cool , will let you know what they say. I have to stop in there tomorrow after work. 

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  14. I would like to get “pest “ snails for my tank. I was unlucky to get any from my numerous plant purchases from Aquarium co op. I have a huge colony of MTS in another tank but want other ones. Do you think the local Petsmart in my area will give or sell there pest snails in there tanks and are those even good snails? 

  15. I have dosed entire tank multiple times with no results. This weekend during a water change I put the carbon in a 3ml syringe and dosed directly on or right above them with all filters off and let it sit for a few minutes and it is now all starting to die off. Hopefully it continues cause I hate that stuff. 

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