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Posts posted by sairving

  1.  I'm looking for some stocking ideas for my 10 gallon. My betta has a tumor and it's starting to impact his health. Louie eats but otherwise spends all his time at the bottom of the tank. The pygmy cory, nerite, and pest snails are healthy.  I don't want another betta though.  When I look at the tank, I want more active fish. Pygmy cories are out of the question. They cost $10 a fish locally. I need to add more plants too.

    Idea 1

    Ember tetras and Chili Rasboras 

    Idea 2 

    Some type of gourami like a pair of sparkling gouramis

    Idea 3

    Celestial pearl danios

    Other ideas?





  2. On 9/8/2022 at 6:25 PM, Flumpweesel said:

    Don't push your luck and let that shoulder heal. The fish love a messy tank you might not be able to see them but they'll be up to all their fish business behind that algae.

    This is the first bit of water I've changed in a few weeks. I was going to remove a bit each day and replace but my shoulder hurt. I topped up my tank instead. 

    I think the worst thing today was letting my arm out of the sling to hang. The doctor wants to get my elbow mobile. That hurt felt worse than my shoulder.




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  3. Update time! I was able to do some tank maintenance today. My tank is currently a hot mess. Some days, my sling was driving me crazy, plus being up and about hurt. I actually did a small water change today (by myself), syphoned out gunk, removed some algae, and managed to clean the sponge filter and media. 

    My doctor is really happy with where my shoulder is right now. If everything goes well, I should be out of the sling in 2 weeks.


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  4. On 8/18/2022 at 12:40 PM, PotatoFish said:

    Definitely try this.

    Also, do you have a sponge around the HOB intake? It would make for a "bigger trash can" for maintenence, and it's betta-safe.

    Having a couple floating plants like dwarf water lettuce or frogbit would help decrease the amount of waste.

    I'm not sure what you're feeding. But, live foods tend to leave less waste than flakes and pellets.

    Most of all, I hope you recover faster than danios dash during dinner!!!

    Unfortunately, the tidal 35 does not have an intake like most HOB filters. I think it has something to do with the surface skimmer. I have cut back feeding to every other. 


    Thanks! I too hope I recover faster than danios dashing for dinner. On the plus side my rotator cuff didn't tear, that is automatic surgery. 

  5. On 8/18/2022 at 12:55 PM, Wrencher_Scott said:

    Take any floss out of the hang on back and just let the bio work, don't shut it down. This way it will go a very long time without needing anything and you still keep your BB going. 


    That's a good idea. I have the sponge and biomedia that originally came with the filter in it. It's hard enough with all the extra help I need right now "Can you take apart my HOB filter and service it?" might be pushing it lol. Sponge filters are easy to clean at least.

    On 8/18/2022 at 1:08 PM, Pete H said:

    If it’s a 10 gallon tank the sponge filter should be plenty depending on the number of fish (bio load). Just keep an eye on nitrates, nitrites and ammonia.

    I have a betta, pygmy cory, nerite snail, and pest snails.

    On 8/18/2022 at 12:34 PM, Cawafuoshi said:

    I second the pitcher. This is how I add water to my 10G after a change. You could do 1 pitcher a day water changes or what ever amounts to your preferred % of wc by the end of a week if you change weekly.

    We'll have an empty half gallon container soon. I could use that to add and remove water each day. 

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  6. On 8/18/2022 at 10:41 AM, AnimalNerd98 said:

    How big is your tank? What are the parameters in terms of nitrogenous wastes (ammonia, nitrates, nitrites)? As long as those values don’t get too high, you might not even need to have someone change water depending on the amount of live plants you have. I think unplugging the hob was a good idea but you might not need anything else 👍🏻 Wishing you a speedy recovery 😊

    It's only 10 gallons and the sponge has always been a backup filter. Currently, I'm only lightly planted with crypts, anubias, and a dwarf aquarium lily. Ammonia, nitrites are zero. Nitrates were at 10 ppm last I checked. 

    On 8/18/2022 at 10:46 AM, lefty o said:

    just leave the HOB running. if the cartridge or sponge in it gets clogged, then just pull it out and leave it run empty.

    It's a Seachem tidal. I mostly don't want to force someone to have to service it.

  7. Last week Wednesday I had an accident outside, fell and broke my left shoulder. Its a serious fracture that's skirting surgery. I tore the bone off that the rotator cuff attached to. The sling will be on for 5 more weeks at least. 

    I syphoned the tank earlier in the week and a family member added the water. There is a hob and sponge filter. I'm considering unplugging the hob until I'm recovered. That way someone just has to clean the sponge filter. 

    Any other ideas? My goal at this point is to keep my Betta healthy. Live plants can be replaced.


  8. On 8/9/2022 at 9:13 PM, ScottieB said:

    Is pps still mixed up in batches? I might be wrong but if you mix up a week at a time just get a small dosing pump like this one: https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/reefing/Dosing-Pump

    Then put it on a Kasa wifi outlet and program it to add your specific volume at certain times during the day. Not sure if that helps but just a thought. 

    And congrats on the new position!

    I mix up about 250 ml per batch. I'll look into the dosing pump. There will be a 6-12 week delay before I'm working in general. Had an accident Wed evening.  Long story short I have an avulsion fracture. Instead of tearing my rotator cuff, I tore the bone that it attaches too.  Good news is, bone grows, so it shouldn't need surgery.  Now I have to get people to help with tank maintenance.

    • Sad 1
  9. Hey everyone, so my employer offered me the opportunity to become a trainer for my current position. I'm still waiting for more information and when certification classes will be. If it's anything like it has been in the past, company wide, there aren't many trainers. Most likely there will be some travel involved.  

    I have a 10 gallon tank with plants, a betta, a nerite snail, and a random pygmy cory. Feeding the fish won't be a problem. I can get a weekly pill container and put food in it for the days I would not be around. Normally, I do a 30% weekly water change but can upped to 50%. The light runs about 9 hours. I would even consider shotening the photo period. My biggest issue is fertilizer. 

    I mix my own and hoping my family adds the correct amount is just asking for trouble. I've been using the pps pro system. Should I start experimenting with low tech EI dosing? Maybe cut the dosing back to three days a week?

    All in ones haven't always had enough macro nutrients, which is why I bought dry ferts. 

  10. What's been going on with 10 gallon tank the last month? Cyanobacteria with a side of cyanobacteria. I did everything I could think of. Tried cutting the lighting intensity down, dimmed most of the blue light on the Aquasky, cut back on fertilizer, physically removed it and did extra water changes. Nothing worked.

    A few days ago, Louie the Betta suddenly became lethargic and bloated. I fasted him, moved him to quarantine and added aquarium salt. He sinks to the bottom and sits on a lilly pad up too. I went to my lfs and bought some antibiotics. 

    After 2 days my tank no longer smells like cyanobacteria bacteria. Louie has improved a little bit. He still having problems though. the bubbles are from the next dose of antibiotics.IMG_20220730_173603928.jpg.30a850322b29cee2a4595901641b8c31.jpg


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  11. On 7/28/2022 at 6:52 PM, Betta said:

    Try some pure almond leaf extract a teaspoon every five gallons every water change! It really helped my betta! Also daphnia helped and real almond leafs was put in as well. But this will all lower your ph to 7 most likely unless you have a big aquarium and use a filter then it just filters through anyways so you will want to drop the extract in before you turn everything on so as he can sit in it for a moment! 
    hope this helps

    my ph is a 7 and my betta seems to do best at a 7 maybe the higher ph is causing him to be more prone to bacteria but the leaf extract is an antiseptic and will help with preventing it coming back! 
    hope this helps! 

    I added a large Indian almond leaf yesterday. Indian almond leaves and mopani wood don't really drop my ph at all. In order to drop ph, I need to soften the water. That requires peat in the filter, distilled water, or buffer products from seachem. I've learned chasing ph is not worth. Making an extract from Indian almond leaves is a good idea though. I have pest snails that I try to keep under control. The leaves can't stay in the tank very long or I'll have too many snails.

  12. My best guess is that he's 1.5 maybe 2 years old. He wasn't full grown when I bought him.

    His food isn't old. I just bought new food about a month or two ago. He gets bug bites, Ultra Fresh Betta Pro Shrimp patties, nls, frozen bloodworms, and brine shrimp. I rotate through and fast on Sunday. 

  13. Ph 8.2

    Kh/gh both 300-350 ppm

    Ammonia 0

    Nitrites 0

    Nitrates 10 ppm

    Temp 78 degrees

    My Betta seems to be having some health issues. He's been lethargic, sits on the lilly leaf near the surface or sinks to the bottom. My first thought was swim bladder. I've fasted him for the last few days and he spent some time in quarantine with aquarium salt.

    It hasn't helped. My other suspicion is that he may have a tumor(towards his tail). Not sure on that one though.  

    My plan is too pick up some fritz macaryn or api erythromycin today. Been dealing with stubborn cyanobacteria for the last few weeks. I've been doing extra water changes because of the cyano.  

    Besides antibiotics, is there anything else I should try. The Pygmy Cory and snail are healthy. I just replaced my heater.

    Sorry about the upside down picture.



  14. On 7/22/2022 at 8:29 PM, Fish Folk said:


    At the core, there is some sort of imbalance: maybe too much light -- intensity or photoperiod; perhaps too much "fuel" for cyano to grow (e.g. overfeeding); also possibly too little flow. Cyano appears in several tanks of mine following a period of insufficient maintenance or out-of-balance factors. Once it appears, it is very difficult to completely eradicate.

    Co-Op wrote up a very nice blog on this that is worth reading: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/blue-green-algae   

    My tank is definitely out of balance right now. I need to mix up a new batch of liquid ferts. Might be time to tweak things a bit. The lighting intensity has been cut back and I've been doing extra maintenance. Its slowed the cyano growth down. I have some flow in the tank (enough to not bother my betta) from the HOB and sponge filter. Maybe s the mopani wood is blocking the flow in a few places. 

    H202 is probably the slow way to kill cyano. I've found you have to treat the tank for 3-4 days. The hardest part is remembering to turn the filter back on.  Oops

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  15. I've been having issues with cyanobacteria for the last few weeks in my 10 gallon tank. The last time I had a problem, I turned the filter off for an hour and dosed the tank with hydrogen peroxide. It took care of the problem after a few days. 

    Only difference is, I didn't have a nerite snail. Now that I have a nerite, I really don't want to kill her. Should I remove my snail and treat like I normally would? Would a lower dose of peroxide work and not cause harm? 

    I really don't want to use antibiotics.

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  16. In my area, pygmy corys have been out of stock for months. They've come back in stock a few times over the last two months but the price has gone from $5 a fish to $10 a fish. I can't justify spending that much money to get a small group. 

    My lfs had trouble getting some species of common nano fish since the pandemic started

  17. I've been thinking about this. Currently, I have one 10 gallon tank. Would I like more tanks in the future? Yes. The conclusion I came to was one more tank. Maybe a 20 long or 40 breeder? It would be planted, have a co2 system, and full of nano fish. As fun as keeping bettas are, I wish my 10 gallon was a little livelier. For some reason, none of the lfs in the area can get pygmy cories. So I still just have one. My betta has also become more territorial as time goes on. 

  18. Now that I've had a bit of time to stare at the back of my tank, the background needs some adjustments.  If you look at the top, the poster board is flat against the tank. None of the light reaches the top. 


    The second picture is after I pulled the background away from the tank a bit. Now I see why some of the diy methods either angled the background or made a box. The HOB prevents making a box type thing for the back or angling it. I have more white poster board. Over the next few days, I'll play around and see what I can do.IMG_20220625_202054916_HDR.jpg.bf59c49484bd26e4ee6996bc1bb44eb3.jpg


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