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Posts posted by Griznatch

  1.  I wouldn't be. The sponge is a constant source of food and security. They'll just come out of the sponge as they get older.  I had boatloads of them on the large Co-op pre-filter sponge on my HOB, and didn't seem to harm them any. As they got bigger they'd hang out on the outside of the sponge, then eventually join the rest of the colony in the tank.


    Also, welcome to the forum!

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  2. Welcome to the forum!
    That size of tank might  restrict some of the larger south American Cichilds, but some of the African ones might be ok in there. There's plenty of members here who experience with both, and will have better suggestions then me I'm sure.

  3. Planaria treatment can wreak havoc on snails. I've had it adversely affect Nerites for 6 or more months after all the water changes and treatment was finished.  My bladder snails cruised right through, no problem however. It's possible it does the same for assassin snails, maybe someone else has had issues with them. I can't say for sure since I haven't kept them before.

  4. These kind of posts always cause me to wonder if I need to either get therapy to help with my addiction, or just figure out how to retire to have more time for all these tanks 🙂

     I have 12 if you count my seasonal blue tote/tub, and the goldfish pond.

    all my tanks have Ramshorns and bladder snails

    75 gallon community tank with White Clouds, mutt Guppies, Kubotai Rasboras, Otos, Celestial Pearl Danios all my Neo culls and some Amanos along with a healthy population of Ramshorns and bladder snails.

    55 gallon with Emperor Tetras, Glowlight Danios, female Dwarf Gourami, Red Neos, Otos, and some Nerite and bladder snails.

    55 gallon with Congo Tetras, Mutt Guppies, Laser Cories, Otos, Neo culls, Ramshorn and bladder snails.

    20 long with Chili Rasboras, and yellow Neo colony.

    10 gallon quarantine waiting for a new batch of Celestial Pearl Danios (destined for the 75), my green Neo experiment, as well as Ramshorns and bladder snails.

    10 gallon quarantine with Panda Cories (destined for the 75), and mutt Guppies.

    10 gallon with mutt Guppies and Blue neos.

    10 gallon with guppy fry, red Neos , and Nerites.

    3.5 waiting on orange Neos, 2 guppy fry to keep bioload.

    2 gallon jar waiting on shrimp

    Seriously plotting a couple of tractor supply livestock troughs for ponds... wonder if the wife will notice a few new holes in the yard? I don't have a problem, I can quit anytime...

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  5.  I use the night  time trick. after they've been basically asleep for a fer hours leave all the lights off in the room and use a strong flashlight and net them before they get a chance to wake up.  I've used this trick to catch neon tetras in a heavily planted 75, and rasboras in a 55. if you don't get them in about 5 minutes then you'll probably have to wait a while and try again. They catch on pretty quick.

  6. If you cut it slowly, I think they'll scoot out of the way. I have this issue as well in my 10 gallon tanks. My biggest concern is all the shrimp fry that are embedded in it. They don't like to come out and I'm always worried  I'll lose them or they'll get tossed out with the trimmings.

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