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Posts posted by Sean

  1. Hey All, just looking to see if anyone has seen this with the Fluval E series heaters? This thing recently started displaying the characters all cray cray. I did have it set in Fahrenheit and set to 76 degrees but now no matter how I try to change it, the characters are just all over the damn place, meaning they are totally unreadable. I can't tell what temp it's set to or at.

    I tried unplugging for a while and re-plugging. It doesn't seem to indicate a way to force reset or anything and the interwebs has nothing on this behavior. It appears to be an alien language?...I knew it Fluval!!

    At this time I am figuring this thing might be toast which sucks because I have only had it for 9 months. Any thoughts, prayers or condolences always appreciated LOL!


  2. I have one of the Aqueon 5 gal and 2 of the above mentioned Marineland portrait 5 gal’s. I do like the marine land ones as they look sharper imo. I hate the whole back built in filtration system they have as it consumes a little over a gallon of the 5 gallon space.

    I did a hack on both of the Marinelands, by removing the entire back filtration section by carefully using a flat razor and cutting out the silicon for that piece. I then simply use a nano sponge filter which takes up little space comparatively and the fish have a full 5 gallons to use and not 4. I also like that these have a black background adhered to the back already so gives a clean black backdrop. I also like that they are a little taller and narrower than the Aqueon 5gal as it helps fit on the desk better. they do look nice and fits well on my work desk at home. 

    The Aqueon is fine and still works well. It is a little wider and more cube shaped. So if you’re wanting more horizontal space then this might be what you’ll want to consider between the two. It doesn‘t come with the silly back filtration contraption that Marineland put together, so less work up front. But imo it was still worth it. The cover is a little flimsy on this one comparatively but is fine. You get more square corners if that’s the look you like, but for me I like the seamless rounded corners that Marinelands has. 

    I currently have the Aqueon on my desk and the two Marinelands in our bedroom side by side with Bettas in them and are great for what they are, but if I can get another deal on another Marineland I’ll be replacing the Aqueon 😉 

    it sounds like I’m hard selling the Marineland….but I kind of am because I still think they are a great looking aquarium for the price. Also if you wait for a good sale at petco, chewy, or amazon, you can get them for like $40! I did on both, so even more worth it. 

  3. 6C5D3D47-0800-49A5-815B-00892C9266D6.jpeg.ae9672c89f9d4930f1eb9c4ca634f96a.jpeg

    Hello everyone! 

    I have had a Betta fish here (Kona) which I got from Aquarium Coop and was always a very sociable fish and constantly swimming about and very interactive when we would wave at him etc. He's always been happy guy and we've now had him 9+ mo. He has had 4 neon tetra and 1 small siamese algae eater as tank mates and has always gotten along with them. They have always been in the same 5 gal tank in my basement office and have the lights on a timer and plenty of plants and driftwood to act as scenery and hiding/resting spots. I have on occasion moved them a bit to give the tank some "new appeal", as I know Bettas can get bored or "depressed". He's always taken these changes positively and always been up right there checking out the changes as I make them. He was like a puppy really. 

    However in the last couple months he has been a lot more skittish and hiding almost all of the time. And now that I am typing this, he has come out for a bit but when I wave gently (even from a distance) or even move a little, he often quickly swims away and hides not to be seen for many minutes or hours at times. 

    He also doesn't have any signs of sickness and does come out to eat in the mornings and swims around just fine. His fins and coloration all appear great and breathing looks fine. 

    I have been monitoring all water conditions and these have not changed and everything checks out stable. I even bumped up to more water cycles of once per week just to see if that had any change and nope. 

    I reduced the light by placing electrical tape over most of the LEDs for a few weeks but that also had no effect on his mood. 

    I also tried putting a small mirror on the side of the tank and he flares his gills just fine and did his dance, but got bored or scared and went away into his slumber.

    I just don't get it as we have other aquariums upstairs in the living area and a Betta in there which his mood seems fine and dandy. The only difference I can really tell is that this room has no natural light ever and we're not always in this room being an office, typically only for work. But the aquarium light is left on until 7pm.

    Needing thoughts/expertise/tips to try?

  4. Hey everyone, somehow this little guy showed up in our tank or I just noticed him the other day. Small snail but wanting to know what type of snail this is and should we be concerned about them becoming invasive in our fish tank? Never had a snail in our setup before so this is new to me. 


  5. 5 minutes ago, anewbie said:

    There are a lot of problems with this setup. You didn't state which species of apisto you have - there are over a 100 different species with different behavior and requirements. You also didn't indicate the age of the fish (juvi or adults) nor if your tank is a 20 long or 20 high. You also did not provide the sex of your apisto. It is marginally difficult to give an answer to a long term solution without these details - though removing the apisto and re-adding short term might work chances are long term there will be an unhappy ending. 


    Last but least a 20 long or 20 high is way too small for an adult angel; i suspect your angel is a juvi or runt but if it is not a runt by the time it reaches adult age (less than a year) you will want a larger tank.

    I mentioned it was a Double red Apisto. That’s the name co-op had for it.

    It and all my fish are males just to keep it simple. 

    I have had them no longer than 2months. They are juveniles. 

    and yes I know that long term a 20gal is going to get small for the Angelfish especially. But they’re all small at the moment. Dimensions are 30”l x 13” h x 13” w. I do plan on upgrading to at least a tall 30gal in a year or sooner depending on how fast they grow. 

    • Like 1
  6. Hey all, 

    I have a 20 gal community tank here and it started with the male Betta (long term I will be upgrading to at least 30gal). I then added some pork chop Rasboras, Ember Tetras, 1 angelfish as center piece and finally a double red Apisto. All of which I bought here at co-op, which they said should typically act as a friendly tank. I don’t expect things to always be sweet and tidy as nature also doesn’t allow that, but I also don’t want all out wars being waged. 

    They were all getting along really well in fact and actually played together. It was a peaceful time in the swimming hole....

    then both Betta and Angelfish got fin rot and I isolated them in a hospital tank with salt and meds. They are both recovering and doing better now. Bettas fins are still in healing phase but doing better. 

    I then decided to reintroduce both of them into the 20gal again while maintaining meds in there to ensure any bacteria that started this is killed completely. But immediately the Apisto started chasing them and actually hunting the Betta, and when he would find him, would literally thrash him. So I moved the betta back in isolation but the Angelfish seems to handling his own well enough. 

    things have calmed down in there it seems but I would really prefer to get Betta back in his home without him getting effed up. 

    what might you all suggest or try to help reintroduce him to the tank again? I know some of you would be like, bigger tank, but that’s not possible currently and they are all pretty small and have decent space to play etc. But help me or roast me, either way 😉 

  7. Hey all, we have an Angelfish here who I think is experiencing fin rot?: See pics

    But no other fish in the community are experiencing any issues. Water balance and ph is all checking out healthy as can be, no issues or obvious causes. I have been cleaning the water and tank but doesn’t seem to be making any change. So looking into the interwebs I am seeing that aquarium salt can be an effective fungal or bacterial killer if used right. Since I have live plants in the main aquarium I didn’t want to disrupt that balance. 

    I have started him today in a small isolation tank along and planning to change the water daily with 2tsp aquarium salt / gallon for next 7-10 days. Does this sound like a good plan or should I just follow the directions on the article these guys posted from coop and just do antibiotics?

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