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Posts posted by Tiffany

  1. I have this exact algae and I can’t get it to go away!! I have Amano shrimp, 6 Otis and a Nettie and nothing wants to eat it!! It only grows like this on one of I have and there are particles that float  and sit on everything in the tank. My other plants are doing good so I am trying to up the feet dose and have been adding carbon to hopefully help get rid of this stuff. This tank has been set up for several months..🤷🏽‍♀️

  2. Okay people, I need some assistance with my bettas please.. I purchased a betta female yesterday. I noticed she had what looks like some scales missing on her back. I have her quarantined in a small holder tank with some salt. Last night I did not feed her and waited til about 1030 to give her some peas just as a safety thing before I feed her regular foods. She started acting much better last night and today. However last night I did notice that she had a small white protrusion. I thought she was going to poop but it never amounted to anything more. It is the same today. 
    I also have a male with what I guess is swim bladder. He just sits at the bottom of the tank, struggles to swim then just sinks. I feel really bad for him but can’t bring myself to put him down..🥺 he is back in the salted tank with the female. He is normal otherwise. Any ideas to help with him as well. Thank you in advance for the help and ideas. 




  3. On 12/16/2020 at 11:42 PM, AdamTill said:

    My wife and I ride horses. I have a Pony of the Americas named Winchester, and he keeps me active and out of the house at least half the week.

    Since I’m stubborn I even made the saddle I ride in, so leatherworking is sort of a hobby as well. I got sick of dealing with saddlemakers who are terrible business people and just learned to do it myself.




    He is beautiful!! Good looking saddle as well!! I’ve never personally dealt with them but it is a pain to try to find a good all around fitting saddle for a fact!!

    • Like 2
  4. I ride horses..that is mostly what I do. My husband rodeos and I have dabbled in it but I don’t have a horse to truly compete in any event. I broke and am training a 2 coming 3 year old. I love to rescue and rehabilitate any animal (insects and inverts included, except spiders, I’m phobic!) I enjoy gardening, fish, and everything else. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD so it explains my sudden urge to dive head first into something I’m interested in and after a while move to the next thing, keeping everything I’ve accrued from my previous adventure..😆🤷🏽‍♀️

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  5. I can’t seem to add a video to a post.. I try to add a file and video from the offered tab but it doesn’t let me do that either..any suggestions? I don’t know how to change my videos to the accepted file types..any suggestions on that too? I have an iPhone. Thank you in advance..

  6. When I got my guppy females they gave birth and died. The first gen did mostly the same and not many babies made it..I think I had a couple females survive and one lasted through birthing..she’s lil sharkey cause she’s huge and has no problems. I think it may have been a combo of things for the first few girls.. here she is..she’s bigger then the basket that my plants came in..





  7. O Lord!! I hope I didn't sentence these guys to death!! I can't find any amano shrimp locally so I had to order them. They were small so I put them in a tank until they grew some. I would have kept them in the tank longer but I don't have a heater for the tank they were kept in and it is getting to cold (in my mind) for them without a heater. (yes they are inside, house stays around 70 day and night but close to a window plus it was a small tank and a pain to upkeep) I have 3 pieces of cholla wood and different plants around the tank. Nothing like guppy grass or anything like that. I don't have a lfs just the box stores which do not have anything like that. I seen 1 yesterday and have been trying to spot the others.. but have had no luck..I will feel so bad if these guys end up a snack..

    My molly just got put in because he was not nice to the other mollys in his other tank, which I may have to find another place for him because he seems to be stressed (swimming quickly and all over the tank all the time) and my betta will flare at him but only if he gets close to him. Blue Boy (the betta) is pretty chill and so far only gets mad at the kulhi's if they lay in his house which they always do and they don't care when he flares at them. A little bit of tank drama.

    Thank y'all for your input!!

  8. No specific kind. I got a couple guppy females and a couple different endler/guppy males (however, I think I got a tiger endler as a endler/guppy cross). They made some very neat looking crosses. I like the endlers a little better then the guppies just because of their simplicity. (I'm weird like that)

    Great, thank you both for the suggestions!

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  9. When I got mine I put them in the tank for a day so they could acclimate, I also had a little algae in the tank. The next day or so I added a couple canned green beans and they eventually made their way to it and started munching. Once they realized that the green beans were safe they demolish them. Once I got them eating really good on the green beans I would add a algae wafer on occasion and they would munch on them too. Mine did not eat the cucumber or any of the food missed by the other fish.

  10. Hello all,

    I am curious about where I can find female endlers. I don't want the males as I already have a few. I have only found places that sell them as a trio or are only selling the males. Any ideas? Thanks in advance

  11. Okay I will start looking for something that they seem to like more then the other. I put live food in there for the tetras, betta and hatchett and they all went crazy over it. I will try to do that one night and feed the clown at the same time, at least try the frozen brine. 

    Yes mine are fat as well!! 

    My otos love the green beans! I didn't see them going after the cucumber but it could've been that I didn't give it to them several days in a row. Thank you!

  12. I have about 8 K.L in my tank and a clown pleco. How do I get food to my clown without the hippos eating it all first? I put green beans in there (for ottos) and the kuhlis ate them. Then I put raphashy morning wood in there for the clown, kuhlis ate it, then I put waffers in there and the kuhlis ate them too!! I put several of everything in at different places and the hippos just run all over the tank eating!! They do not stay hidden during the day, instead they are all out actively swimming up and down the tank and all over the place, nor do they sleep at night once the light is out. They even go up to the top and sleep in the anubias I have for my betta..He gets so mad..😂

    Anyway, I am at a loss and never see the clown eating. He did come out the other day and munch on a green bean for a second that the hippos hadn't got to yet. He looked washed out color wise. I don't want him starving because of those fat hogs. Any advise? Thanks in advance.

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