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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Went to the LFS for some feeders and some frozen food. Came home $180 poorer and with a big box... Oops.




    Sounds about right!

    I ended up getting:

    1X Black Clown Goby - $10
    1X "Fancy" Ocellaris Clown - $15
    1X Captive-Bred Blue Neon Goby - $25
    1X Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - $30
    1X Red/Green Blastomussa Coral - $50
    1X Green Hairy Mushroom - $20
    15X Ghost Shrimp - $5.85 (.39 ea)
    3X Feeder (Fiddler) Crabs - $7.50
    4X Magenta Mystery Snails = $10

    With tax, it ended up being $179 and change.

    Expensive, but I think I got some good specimens. The Clown Goby has been in the store for a while and was interacting with me through the glass (they tend to be shy and extremely underweight). The Clown was new, but was about the right size for my existing Clown and at $15 was a steal. The Neon Goby is just cool - they have tons of personality, and captive-bred saltwater fish are still a rarity.

    The Blasto coral had been looking super fat and healthy in the store for a couple weeks, and I decided to go ahead and snatch him up. The Hairy Mushroom was a last minute upsell from the LFS owner... he knows me too well, lol!

    The Magenta Mysteries were something I was about to order online and try to breed, but they happened to have them in-store. First time I've ever seen them in person, too. Coincidence!

    Then the shrimp and crabs are feeders for the puffers.


    And... I forgot the frozen stuff. Dangit, Bobby!

    • Like 4
  2. No other tank mates at the moment. They can live with echinoderms (starfish and urchins) most of the the time, but I've had issues keeping them healthy in this tank. I tried to keep him with a Fire Clownfish at one point (a very aggressive species) and I woke up to the clown missing his tail one day. GSPs are, IME, very aggressive and don't play well with others. Some people keep several GSPs or GSPs and Ceylon puffers together in larger tanks, but I don't think I'd do it.

    A 40 breeder is probably about the minimum for an adult! They get about 5-6", and are pretty hard to clean up after.

    He gets a clam a couple times a week. I feed live ghost shrimp/fiddler crabs once or twice a month, and then a mixture of salad shrimp/krill and live snails daily. Usually soaked in Vitachem, for the frozen stuff.

  3. On 6/15/2021 at 3:59 PM, ARMYVET said:

    Any issues with teeth on these puffers?   I love puffers but dont know that I could handle having to trim his teeth


    I've had two GSPs (including this one) and haven't had any issues with their teeth. I feed quite a few shelled foods, though, and since these guys are best kept in a FOWLR tank (even when they're in less salty water as babies, I usually just keep the rock in there), they'll nip at the rocks and cut their beaks that way.

    I actually have more trouble out of my Figure 8's teeth, and I think it's because I don't have any rock in there. They get fed the same things every day, too. When I had Amazon Puffers, it was the same deal - I honestly think having rock in the tank makes a huge difference in dentistry.

    That said, don't let the prospect of cutting teeth keep you from puffers. As long as you set the tank up right and feed the correct foods, I don't think you'll ever have to trim teeth. My F8's are long, but whenever I see it getting a bit uncomfortable, I just make sure to feed nothing but MTS for a few weeks to really wear them back down. Not a great staple, but great for teeth grinding.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 6/14/2021 at 7:37 PM, Patrick_G said:

    GSPs are so frickin cute! Are you able to keep any plants with it? 

    You could probably keep some thick-leafed Anubias and Ferns with them when they're babies, but as they grow they need more salt in the water. This guy is in full saltwater - I've considered adding in some macroalgae/mangroves, but in reality, he'd probably just rip them to shreds anyway!

    • Like 1
  5. Nice video! I don't know that it helped me too much, though. This "female" does have some blue speckling around her gill plate, but doesn't seem to have much in the way of dark spots. They're low quality fish farm rams, but I'm just wanting to breed them for the fish club credit and for fun.


    Maybe these videos will help?



    I realize the video is poor quality - this tank has a pretty dim light over it, so getting anything resembling useful footage is hard, even with a decent camera.


    The chasing has slowed down today, and they seem to be getting along better.

  6. Hey guys!

    I've had a heck of a time trying to get a male and female GBR. I bought four, wanting them to pair off naturally so I could see the other two - all 4 ended up being female. So I sold the other 3 back to the store, and picked out what I'm positive is a male - it's got some pretty ridiculously long streamers on the 2nd ray of its' dorsal fin and on it's pelvic fins.

    After introducing the male into the tank with what I'm pretty sure is a female, I'm seeing more aggression than i was expecting. No contact, but the male will chase the female into the corner, and keep her pinned there. He does turn sideways towards her, but I don't see him "flare" very much like what I've read online. This behavior seems different than what I'd describe as "indiscriminate aggression" since there's no damage being done, but it'd make me feel better to know if this is definitely a female or not.



    • Like 1
  7. On 6/12/2021 at 11:56 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Got to say, the cinder blocks and boards design offers a lot of neat versatility. When you want to tear down. Move, reset, etc, I can easily imagine the appeal.

    I use them for this very reason. Even if you upgrade/downgrade tank sizes, you just have to buy new lumber - no need to replace the blocks.

    On 6/13/2021 at 12:15 AM, Daedalus said:

    Finally got an extension cable long enough to power my mad laboratory that used to be all battery powered. My 5 year old nephew asked if I was a scientist because he saw my brine shrimp hatcheries bubbling away. I guess they look like some mad scientist stuff he saw in cartoons. 😁


    It's still a mess but I have the Coop Livestream tomorrow to clean it all up

    I use the livestreams for the same thing, lol. It's a great time to put the bluetooth earbuds in and get some fishy work done.

    • Like 2
  8. Changed water on the Mocha Clownfish tank and the 37 gallon FOWLR, then I got lazy and put the water changes on the Green Spotted Puffer tank and 55 FOWLR/Mantis tank till tomorrow.

    I do have some green water starting in an indoor "pond" (read: bucket), which was really exciting for me. I've also got what I hope to be a male and female ram in a tank, so I'm anxiously watching to see if they're gonna take or not.

  9. Drained a 65 gallon tank I plan to try and do some Indian Mudskippers in. I had it set up as a freshwater paladarium, and just never put the time/effort into making it a tank I really enjoyed. The mudskippers should be fun, though!

    Otherwise, I moved a few plants and fed my fish some baby brine shrimp. So many baby brine shrimp!


    • Like 4
  10. Today was more of a "feed and watch" kind of day. I edited a video, which had it's own frustrations.

    I realized that I've had my dwarf puffer for going on 8-9 months and I've only ever done 2-3 water changes on his tank. Nitrates are always below 20, and I dose a bit of Easy Green every couple weeks. I just let the plants take care of it. I mean, with Pothos roots like these, who even needs water changes?






    There's a couple of Otocinclus in here that I never see - they hang out in the forest. They're fat, though! There's a couple ghost shrimp left, too. The puffer doesn't bother them.



    • Like 6
  11. Alright, so with that info, how should I proceed?

    They'll be going into a 50 gallon tank (40"x16"x18") with a school of 12 Black Neon Tetras, 12 Lemon Tetras, 8 Green Cories, and a Bristlenose Pleco. I had planned to probably end up with a trio (1 male and 2 females), but since I have 3 females here, should I just track down a male and have 4? Or would the current bully likely keep bullying the others?

  12. I got three young-ish pearl gouramis last week and am having trouble sexing them in QT. There are two that hang out together constantly, and then a third that gets picked on by one of the other two. I'm thinking that maybe the two that aren't getting along are both males, and the third is a female, but I'm not sure.

    The two that are hanging out together:


    The one that's getting picked on:


    Now, if it turns out to be 2 males and 1 female, can I remove the dominant male and still have the subdominant male pair with the female? The subdominant male has much, much more color than the dominant male, although you can't see it much in the pics.
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