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Posts posted by Stef

  1. I’m taking some of my baby mystery snails to my lfs today. Several have forked tentacles (the ones near their mouth). There’s one that has tentacles on his tentacles. Just wondering if this is anything unique/special genetic-wise and worth passing along. I’m thinking of keeping this one. 

    Also had to post a pic of his siblings in victory formation 😆





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  2. On 11/10/2023 at 9:49 AM, gmm said:

    Also looked at some oranda goldfish, but am worried about sporadic growth that I've heard can happen in goldfish? What tank size would be best for these?

    If going the goldfish route be prepared for lots of poop and heavy bio load which translates to requiring a larger water volume/tank size and frequent and regular water changes. Orandas or any fancy goldfish can have their own set of health issues with their short/compact bodies and poor digestive systems, flowy fins and wens. “sporadic growth” is the least of your concerns. I have 2 Ranchus and a black moor in a 20 gallon long and I’m doing 50% water changes every 3-4 days to keep nitrates down. These 3 fish really need a 50 gallon.  

    For a beginner, I’d probably stick to a plakat betta in a 5 gallon with a sponge filter and a heater and lid. Bettas like it warm (78F -80F). Add a few anubias plants (avoid any decorations with sharp edges/points). Get some water test strips too. Keep your water clean. This goes for any type of fish. 

    For betta video basics, I like Irene from the Co-op and Sheila from Life with Pets. 

    For goldfish, Jenny from Solid Gold Aquatics and Luke’s Goldies. 

    And the Aquarium Co-op care guides and YT channel and other resources are top notch. 

  3. I can’t get any brand of these to stick. I’ve resorted to tightly wrapping a short piece of a lead plant weight around the cube. The corys then can nibble from either side, like a worm stuffed wheel. 

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  4. I like and use the Dennerle Eckfilter in my betta tanks. Depending on the height of your tank it could work. It has a spray bar with adjustable flow that can move water across that long surface. I stuff it with coop coarse sponge. Definitely use the two little sponges it comes with to stuff the top and bottom gaps behind the filter to keep your betta from snooping behind there and getting stuck. 

  5. Really nice scape for your first tank. And kudos for heavily planting. Unrelated to your cycling question, you may want to glue (super glue / cyanoacroylate) or attach your Java ferns to a rock or decor or they will not do well. Your anubias too should not be buried in the substrate. These are Epiphyites. 

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  6. Hi All, so my first summer with a patio pond is coming to an abrupt end as temps in the Chicago area have dropped to the 50s with high 40s overnight. I had always planned to bring my three goldfish inside so I don’t fret over them all winter long. Anyway, their “migration” tank in the basement is ready for them and its water temp is around 70-72F. Their outside tub is 60F (heated). 
    My question is what to use to float them to acclimate to the warmer indoor tank temp. I did not expect them to grow so much in such a short time. They are 5” with one being a little bigger/older at about  6”  Do you use gallon zip loc bags (1 bag per fish)?  A small bucket?  Clean Tupperware?  Ask the LFS for a big plastic bag?  They are really fast/strong swimmers. 

  7. Hi @gmm, welcome to the forum and to fishkeeping. For your future betta, be prepared for common health issues like fin rot, constipation, infections causing dropsy, pop eye, etc. Keeping pristine water conditions are a must. I’d go with a short finned plakat betta or a female. The long finned splendens variety can run the risk of fin issues (fin rot, fin nipping, breakage, tears on sharp decorations). 

    I fell in love head over heels with bettas during the pandemic (still love them and have several) but learned real fast the heartbreak that comes with them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re wonderful pets, super cute, smart, water puppies. 

    This forum community is exceptional. 

  8. On 9/28/2023 at 12:11 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

    My concern with your tank is more on the Mystery Snail side. Personally, I wouldn’t add more than the 1 you already have. 

    I have 3 mystery snails in this tank (only 1 photo bombed 😄) plus a few ramshorns I forgot to mention. I am worried about lack of minerals and calcium in the water if the shrimp population takes off. 


    On 9/28/2023 at 12:11 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

    For the shrimp, add a few more and let the colony establish. 

    That’s just what I’d do if it was my tank. 

    Thanks. I hate to leave the little guy all by himself. 

  9. Hi All. I have a good problem to have in that after purchasing a few amano shrimp for my 10 gal mystery snail tank, I got a little cherry shrimplet hitchhiker!  After a two weeks I finally see him out and about regularly scavenging around, so naturally I would like to get a little colony going and get him some friends. However, not sure if the tank can support so many different invertebrates. 

    Here are the stats:

    -10 gallon Dennerle tank running 3+ years

    - Adjustable heater, currently 76F

    - lightly planted with mostly anubias and some stray vals

    - 7.2 pH, 4 dkh, 300 ppm gh

    - Occupants: 3 mystery snails, 1 nerite, 5 amano shrimp, 1 cherry shrimp

    i have 17 other baby mystery snails growing out in another tank that I’d like to add a few ( not all) to this 10 gal but may have to have alternate location for them)

    - filtration: small sponge filter and Dennerle Eckfilter 


    I have another 6 gallon cube with blue dreams and a betta where I could add the red shrimplet to, but then could get weird color morphs, right?





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