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Posts posted by Mandy411

  1. I tried again, but that really is the best I can do with my phone camera 😞 Most of it is gone today. I purposely fed my danio erythromicron lightly this morning, but I dont know if that is where they went. I will look into better equipment for future photos.

    Thanks for the reply!

  2. My aquarium coop test strips always show no chlorine in my tap water. I don't know if that means my water has very little chlorine added, or if it means my city uses chloramine and there is no free chlorine available to register on the strips. I've called the water company in the past and been told they use chloramine, but the latest ccr claims they use chlorine. I'm just searching for a way to tell for sure. Sorry if that came out confusing!

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  3. I had scuds hitchhike into my nano fish/shrimp tank a year ago. They soon ate my mayaca plant and I think my christmas moss :(  I read they outcompete shrimp for food (which seems legit because they ended up outnumbering my blue dreams by a lot!) and my nano fish were too small to eat the adults.They are a beast to get rid of; I had to tear down my tank twice including rinsing/quarantining all my plants and throwing out the sand and sponge filters, because they like to burrow in. Thankfully, I haven't seen any since the last tear down this spring.

  4. On 1/20/2022 at 10:46 AM, Fish Folk said:

    If you keep them in a glass tank, you can selectively draw out smaller ones with a kitchen baster. But if you e never kept daphnia before, beware that the colonies are very prone to crashing. They feed on bio, and require a large enough starter culture to thrive. I’ve heard some people feed them yeast… but I’ve typically just fed them mulm, and finely crushed flake food. I imagine you could squeeze sponge filters out into a daphnia colony tank to feed them. They do appreciate water changes too. Quite finicky…

    Thank you for the heads up. I've only cultured microworms and vinegar eels, but want something a little larger. I also have an unintentional scud population in my shrimp tank that I'll be trying to get rid of soon. If they were a little smaller and didnt eat plants they would be perfect! Little buggers ate all of my mayaca and moss 😞

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  5. Thank you for your reply HydraSlayer. My other idea is a scarlet badis but I wanted a slightly larger single bottom dwelling fish. My tank isn't suitable for a chocolate gourami. I keep it unheated ranging from 70-74 in winter and 74-78 in summer. It has a screen top in summer to allow evaporative cooling with a fan, so the humidity may not be high enough for a gourami's labrynth organ. I'm looking for something more at home in my 7.2ph hard water.

  6. I have a 29 gallon planted tank with clown killies and pseudomugil luminatus along with various snails. I also plan on putting blue dream culls in when I rescape their tank. Would a blue badis make a good single centerpiece fish for this tank? I expect the shrimp babies to be fish food, but I dont want to see the adults harrassed/hunted down.

  7. I agree its probably not dropsy. Until I really looked at the photos I didnt realize it was only affecting the left side. I did do the med trio when I first got the medakas so I have the meds on hand if I need them. She is the only one with symptoms, thankfully, and is already in a hospital tank with salt at a concentration of 1 tbsp per 2 gallons.

  8. I got some medaka rice fish last year, and noticed one had a mildly crooked spine and one a more severely crooked spine. I'm fairly new to fish keeping and thought it was a deformity maybe from inbreeding. I drove an hour and a half to pick them up I didnt want to bother returning them so never contacted the store. The fish that was more severely affected wasted away and died last month. Now the other fish is swelling in her dorsal region, so instead of tapering to the tail she is the same width almost all the way down her body. Could this be dropsy? And more importantly, is it likely from fish TB? Sorry, these were the best pics I could get.




  9. I'm looking for a centerpiece fish for a 20 long unheated tank. Temp ranges from 68-72 (averages 70) in the winter and 74-78 in the summer. Will a honey or powder blue gourmi stay comfortable in these temps? I should mention I'm not interested in paradise fish or apisto borellii in this tank...maybe in another setup in the future 🙂

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