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Posts posted by Kalita

  1. This is my first time hatching killifish eggs so please indulge me! 

    I added the water on June 3 and today I've noticed a fry swimming fry and 2 other eyed-up eggs about to hatch. There is supposed to be 30 eggs but I'm not one to sit and try to count - I am just happy that I am having some degree of success!

    Species is Fundulopanchax gardneri Nigerianus aka "Steel Blue Killifish"

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  2. Nerites eggs... the only down side to having them imo. I have a couple of them in my 33 gal. I believe only one is female because I don't get that many eggs. The first time she laid on the backside of a large rock so they weren't visible from the front of the tank - I was happy about that! Next couple of times she sought out the largest piece of driftwood. I was able to dislodge with end of planting tweezers but I like the chopstick idea @NanoNano! I'll give that a try since I noticed a few more "seasame seeds" on the wood today. 

  3. Why not just add the sponge filters while HOBs are stilling running? It'll allow BB to establish on the new filters while they continue to work in HOBs. I always do this when planning new tank (or swap a sponge from established tank) but I also run 2 HOBs and 2 sponge filters in my 33 gal (always prepared for another tank!)


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  4. Agree that Water Sprite is MUCH faster growing and still provides great cover. As for mosses, Spikey moss is supposed to grow quicker than Java. I just bought both types a couple days ago so haven't had time to see if true or not, but throwing it out there. 

    ETA: My Rotala h'ra seems to grow decently fast and can could be another fry cover plant when packed in bunches.

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  5. So I inherited a betta with a 5 gal tank almost 2 months ago.  I put him my cycled 33 gal instead. When he came, his fins were damaged. Since then, he seems to have pretty good regrowth. I'd like to keep a journal of his recovery 🙂

    Before March 26:


    Today: 804746218_May92021(4).jpg.a6a555f32759360b077360c3066175aa.jpgth

    May 9, 2021 (3).jpg


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  6. @Cory Ok, thanks. I'll likely leave it in (it's in the filter compartment right now and I have no other use for it) and try some of the other things you suggested. I only have 3 RCS in there now but as they breed, I'd like to make sure there's adequate calcium to support and maintain the population growth.

  7. 4 hours ago, Betsy said:

    I love the warm lighting in this tank!!  It really sets off the driftwood and the foliage! 😍

    Thank you! That's the "dawn" setting on the light. It's my favourite too, although I do some more white light mid day.

    I am thinking about doing a moss wall on the right to hide the ugly algae covered gray panel. I think the shrimp would love it and it'd be more visually appealing. 

    Right now I only have 3 RCS in there. I had ordered more Fire Reds but they were out of stock 😞 There are some local breeders around so I will get some soon. I plan on breeding them. 

    There's also 5 guppy fry renting some space while they grow out a bit. I will add them back to their usual 33 gal once they get to size. 

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  8. I'm doing a 5 gal shrimp tank so I'm picking up some Java Moss today (and Spikey but think that will mostly go in my other tank). I'm also picking up Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (carpeting plant) and Staurogyne repensI have also have Anubias nano and petite in there - I think a betta would like those! Oh, and Salvina for floating plants (but water lettuce works too!)

    If you could find Echinodorus 'Reni' I would get that!

    I didn't want anything TOO fast growing or tall that would take over the tank in no time. Depends on what kind of look and how much maintenance you want to do 🙂

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  9. I wondered this too. From what I've gathered, it shouldn't negatively impact plants, and is a better option than activated carbon. With that, I added to my tanks a couple of weeks ago and haven't noticed any ill effects. Plants have new growth and water is clearer. I'm not sure it was necessary to add, but I did because I have quite a bit of wood. I'd be interested in hearing from others on this too.

    Why are you looking into adding Purigen?

  10. 1 hour ago, Mmiller2001 said:

    I advise against root tabs with ecocomplete. Eco Complete will draw nutrients from the column and then release it to the plants. Also, it's pretty course and the tabs will leach right back into the water column.

    Interesting! So would you just do liquid fert with eco complete? I use both Easy Green and root tabs with my eco-complete, but I place them strategically for dominate root feeders. I know my Crypt seems to appreciate them... 

    Also, I agree - likely the filter cleaning. If you have Stability, that may help if you have fish stocked.

  11. This is awesome!! I'm awaiting my first order of Killifish eggs which should be arriving any day now! I may have to pick your brain soon!

    Are you not allowing the eggs to dry before adding the 1 gal tanks? (Side note- those are genius!) 

    ETA: Nevermind - just looked up this species and it's not seasonal, which explains the no dry season. Seems like an even better choice of killi species now!

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  12. I'm so excited for you! I ordered eggs that should be arriving any day now too. My plan is exactly as yours - but I'll releasing into their final tank a few days-week after hatching. Like you, I have one dedicated to them so why not? They won't have to compete or hide from other fish and I think they'll be less stressed in a planted tank vs a bare-bones grow out tank, but it will be harder to see and observe them.

    Please, if you're able, do a journal for me us! Would love to watch the process 🙂

    Such a beautiful fish!!


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