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  1. Not that we could find. We had our fireplace inspected to see if they find any nesting in there. It was all clear. If you saw the amount of moths caught in and around the fireplace, and compare it to the traps elsewhere you'd be convinced they were nesting in the fireplace.
  2. I have a bad pantry moth infestation but I can't find the source. It's not in the pantry. All the typical meal moth food sources are in there but not a single moth caught in our traps. Most moths are caught around our fireplace. Any clue on how to tackle this? How do we find the source?
  3. Gideyon


    The whiteness is rather striking. At one point it looked like threads were coming out. I thought maybe someone of my filter media got into the tank and got snagged on the bump. Could it be an infection?
  4. Gideyon


    It looks like a tumor / growth. So far his swimming and eating is fine.
  5. Gideyon


    I was discouraged after seeing this. I lost my last betta to some unknown thing that concluded with dropsy. There's this bump on one side. This is the best image I could get. Looking at the image, the bump is mid-top left. Any idea what it could be?
  6. I appreciate the feedback. And I agree this wasn't well throughout when the previous owners built out the basement. I ordered some crows feet wrenches. Maybe that'll help. Never heard of it until I searched for a solution.
  7. My shutoff valve for my outside faucets is leaking. I likely need to tighten the packing nut. However, the space I have to work with is really small. I can't get a wrench in here. I don't have a basin wrench but I know this is too small a space for that too. The nut is really close to a piece of wood which makes it harder to access. Any ideas on what kind of tool I could use? This is a small panel in a basement wall.
  8. Ok. That's a relief. The invincible rotala died in here. Micro sword is struggling. So I went with the anubias. It's been a month
  9. I'm new to plants and I'm terrible at it. Is this anubias dying? What concerns me are the spots on the leaves, and that one leaf in the middle that looks like it's crumpling and turning yellow. Low light. No ferts.
  10. I vacuumed up as much debris from the dead plants as I could. And I caved in an got an anubias. And a betta. I tried gluing the plant to the rock but it didn't hold. So I stuck it between two rocks and stuffed the gap with moss balls. Maybe the microswords will survive. I really wanted root feeders for some reason.
  11. This looks beyond melting.... This means this tank is worse than a toilet bowl.
  12. How long does the melting last? Seems like the swords that were doing really well are now struggling too. I might have to succumb to getting a liquid fertilizer. Rotala was one of those plants one person said you could grow in a toilet. And I can't seem to grow it in a tank.
  13. I saw it from one of my favorite/trusted fish tubers who shall remain nameless. I wanted to try it with my former betta in a 10g, but then my betta became the former. It's on my list of possibilities if I decide to resurrect my 10g.
  14. Not from experience, but I've learned that a ember tetras work well with bettas. Not sure of water parameters.
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