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  1. @CT_ Wanted to follow up and let you know that you were 100% on the money. My nitrates were not reading because I neglected to shake my bottles prior to testing. While my original API test kit would not show a reading, I went out and got test strips which would show 40ppm. I know test strips aren't the most dependable so I went and bought a second nitrates test kit. Lo and behold it registers 40ppm too. Not shaking the bottle must have screwed it up. Thanks guys appreciate the help.
  2. Hello Everyone, Should I be able to see if Nitrates go up immediately after adding Easy Green? Or does it need time to complete through the Nitrogen cycle? Wasn't sure if I was adding direct Nitrates or not? Background: The tank is a 16 Gallon Fluval Spec AIO with Fluval 3.0 light and CO2. I have a carpet of dwarf hair grass, 2 cypt parva, and around 6 Anubias nana petite, as well as a Bonsai tree with a canopy of Monte Carlo. For the volume I assume it's a good amount of plants? Bio load is 6 Cherry Barbs, 3 neon Tetras, about 10 shrimp and a snail. I was doing 50% water changes once a week. I was dosing 2 pumps Easy Green 1x a week and the plants were showing signs of struggle. I've increased to 3 pumps 2x a week (gradually) for the past 2 weeks. Plants are improving getting very green. Still I have nitrates at 0 ppm. Tonight I dosed and checked Nitrates again about 1 hour after dosing and it still reads 0 ppm. This let me to wonder if it has to be processed by the nitrogen cycle before registering as Nitrates? After reading some posts it seems I may need to slow down my water changes? Thank you, I'm new and learning. Jason
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