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  1. So you think turning up the heat for now until the meds get here will help as I can’t use salt in my planted tank?
  2. From the video that was posted from the person who works at co-op they said that the virus cant live in tanks over 86F so I’m basically just trying to kill what I can as my fish can stand it the temp. I also have a planted tank so salt is a no go for me
  3. Hello all! I just got ich for the first time in years of having fish. I saw two dots 2 days ago and I am waiting for my med trio that I order from the website which shows to get here Thursday. For the time until I have slowly turned up the heat in the tank to 85F over the last 2 days. When the meds get here can I treat using all 3 or just do the ich X first? Thanks for the help!
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