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Posts posted by Keeg

  1. I would not feel comfortable just using easy green in distilled water. I would assume you would need to add a lot more to make your distilled water better for use. How is your tap bad? It might be more cost effective/ easier if you could fix the tap water rather than having to add supplements to distilled water every water change. 


  2. It looks like it could be fungus growing on the lip, but it is also possible that it could be bacterial. For this I would treat using Melafix and Pimafix together. When using both, they can take on both fungus and bacteria. In my experience, understanding, they are plant safe too. This is just my best guess, I would be helpful to have a clearer up close picture of the spot. 👍

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  3.  I feel the same way! Some of the old forums are sometimes a decade old and the community went inactive long ago. I don't know about groups meeting online, but after the pandemic there will probably be a lot of groups reforming. Now I don't know where you're looking for, but in the PNW there is the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society, and on aquarium co op's website they have other clubs listed ( https://www.aquariumcoop.com/apps/store-locator ) all over North America and Europe. Hope this helps. 

    PS. I can relate to the mutts 😂😂

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Gaurav said:


    I need it as pet with whom I can spend some time playing around. I really don't care about those giant kok. Though I love one with colours. I just wanted to get an opinion as the guy is claiming to be of top quality. I liked this cutie as he seems Full of energy and interactive. 


    Thats great! If you do end up getting the little fella I hope you'll both be happy. I think you might be able to haggle with the seller as I'm pretty sure that is not top quality. You do you though, thanks for responding 😁

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  5. In my opinion, the color does not look subpar to top quality. I've never seen a flower horn with such a solid line tho. The Kok is a little small but that can be improved with food. I don't think you should buy a fish that you have doubts about, and because you're on this form asking for others opinion, I would urge you to really think it over. Are you in love with this particular fish? Or are you more into the idea of having a flower horn? If he makes you happy with personality over looks, you should get him, as your relationship would be strong as you wouldn't care as much if he wasn't the best color. Just make sure that if you choose to get this fish, that you will have no regrets in the future. 

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  6. I would assume yes, easy green is shrimp and snail safe. I have a spotted congo puffer and Robert (aquarium co-op store manager) recommend it to me as I wanted my plants to grow better, plants are doing great btw and I have yet to see a negative impact on the puffer. Plus the store owner, Cory, has Murphy (a mbu puffer), and I don't think he would sell a product that would hurt sensitive species like puffer fish. He does test the products himself before he sells them. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Audie said:

    Thank you! That is very helpful. I’ve been interested in African dwarf frogs, but do you know if they’ll bother the ghost shrimp? 

    If the dwarf frogs can get ahold of them, then yes. For me they didn't have an issue with each other. Shrimp are a very easy target for a lot of aquatic creatures. Maybe look into fish like a swordtail, they'll eat fry too. I'm surprised that the platys aren't eating the fry themselves. Must be a good pair. 😂

  8. To my understanding crayfish will eat all sorts of plants. As for lilies, I think the crayfish will totally start eating the stems that reach the bottom and separating the lilies from their roots. Floating plants should be okay and anything that grows crazy fast might be able to cope by shooting new leaves faster than they can snip them. If really really want lilies, maybe don't add a ton of crayfish and put a ton of lilies surrounded by a physical barrier of rocks/ plants/ wood/ etc. at the base. Or separate a section of the pond using tank dividers up to/ above the surface of the water for your lilies. That is what I would do, also I really like your profile pick, looks professional and the close up looks nice. 

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  9. There are definitely fish out there that will take care of the issue. Pea puffers are a great way to get the fry eaten, but they can nip your other fish as well. Dwarf gourami can also be a good option, as they are colorful and will hunt the fry. A cool addition would be African dwarf frogs, they're around the same price in my area and are relatively easy to find. If you end up not wanting to get another fish as every fish has its consequences, maybe upgrade the filter cap to something with larger holes so that the adults are fine but the fry are sucked up. Or grow a few fry out and sell them/ give them to other hobbyists around you as many people would be happy to have them. 

  10. I don't think aquarium co-op has huge offers like that. Their website does say, "We offer a discount of 10% to current Greater Seattle Aquarium Society Members..." This might be the best deal they have, but they also have free frozen food when you spend 100$, and if you check in on yelp before going to the store, you can get a free pack of place food. I think this answers you question. let me know if it doesn't. 

  11. I am definitely not an expert on axolotls, but I know a few tips. Their eye sight is pretty terrible, feeding them food like earth worms would be easier for it if you hold it with long tweezers like for aquascaping. Also, they eat by gulping/ sucking in the water next to their mouths. I've seen some that suck in large rocks and it can prove fatal if it can't get it out. Fine grain sand is a good contender as the tiny bits can pass through them. Plus the little guys like to dig around with their infamous legs. Bare bottom is another option, but it takes away from their experience of being an inhabitant. They also like little water flow, like practically none, so keep that in mind. And their water on the cooler side, 59- 73 F. As for their diet, earthworms are a popular choice for them. They will also eat foods like blood worms, black worms, and meal worms. Though meal worms should be more of an occasional item. Anything that fits into their mouths (hence why I wouldn't do gravel). These are just a few tips I've learned, I would do more research into their care if you want even better answers. Good luck! 👍 

  12. If the gills are elongated and seem to be sucked behind when the fish exhales then it might be worth looking into surgery to remove the excess skin. I will assume the gills are curling outwards, if it seems to be flexible and just developing, try increasing the current to make the fish's body try to adjust by making them curl back in for an aerodynamic shape (I am also assuming it is a comet/ common goldfish, where they have long bodies. And not the cute chubby goldfish). For the swimming problem, that sounds like swim bladder disease. You could try feeding a cooked, shell-removed pea, cut it up if it's a small fish. Sometimes when they eat too much, they can become bloated and put pressure on the organ. Next time when you feed it, check to see if they gulp in air while trying to eat. I had a goldfish that did and had the same problem years ago, sinking pellets/ soaked food solved the issue for me. If it doesn't work, I would assume it has a disfigured swim bladder and you should try to give it the best life possible. It would be more helpful if you included photos of the fish and issue. I hope this helps 😁

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  13. 18 hours ago, gardenman said:

    Larger puffers seem to be very interested in saving energy. They're pretty much the couch potatoes of the fish world. I suspect that part of that is due to the fact that their typical prey isn't especially elusive. If you can't chase down a snail, well, you've got problems. Snails, crabs, crayfish, freshwater clams, aren't especially elusive and hard to catch so puffers can just hang out and wait for a meal to meander by rather than be off chasing down something fast and hard to catch. They aren't especially streamlined like a barracuda, and speed isn't their greatest asset. Though they can put on a short burst of speed when prompted. They seem to be on the evolutionary path to becoming something like a marine angler fish or frogfish that just sits in one spot and waits for a meal to wander in range. 


    17 hours ago, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

    In this situation, if you aren't doing this already, I would put in the snails at night when Bob is sleeping. It would give him a reason to "hunt" a bit and make scanning his surroundings worth while.

    Thank you both for responding, I am new and I don't know how to give you reputation points. It really means a lot and I am already taking your advice into action. Thanks again 😃

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  14. Hello there, I've had this puffer for a little over 2 years now. When I first got him, he was a skinny little guy who liked to hide. Now he's a chonker that only swims occasionally and for food. I feed him blood worms almost daily, a couple rams horn snails every once and while, and a clam on the half shell. Water parameters, pH 7.0, nitrate 0, nitrate 5, temp 75.2 degrees F. I upgraded him from a 20g half a year ago to a 40g and with sand. I've tried getting him to be more active by getting new plants and fish, but he just ignores them. Even after I rearrange the tank every week during water changes, he still finds his corner. I use a finnex 36'' light and dose easy green every week (one pump as I do 25% water changes). I have attached photos what what he looks like when he wants to be active. 

    PLEASE NOTE: He likes to stay at the bottom of the tank, he's done it forever. I just wish he was more active/ less bored. His name is also Bob🙂





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  15. If you're seeing a single large piece of fecal matter, I would not assume that they are constipated. If they become bloated and you are sure they aren't pregnant, then I would be worried. In my opinion, your fish looks healthy. Because you just got them, I'd keep an eye on them to just be safe, good luck! 😃

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